Steve’s Update 2/2/2015

Been awhile everyone!

So what’s been up?

First, busy at work, which is why so few updates.  I mean really busy with work and work-related tasks.  I’ve had to even reign in some social activities, so you can guess my other projects are similarly limited.

I did present at AODSF and it went awesome.  I focus on my Networking event at Muse Hack, and this is one that should probably go into my permanent inventory of things I do.

Haven’t done much at Seventh Sanctum beyond doing Way With Worlds due to being busy.  I still want to do the Magic Power Generator, but may do a few more “recreational” generators just to get the mojo going.

There’s a few things on hold that I’ll go into when I am actually going to start them so stay tuned.


– Steven Savage