The Key To Your Career: Imagination

One thing I rarely talk about – probably as it seems obvious – is there is one thing you have to have to move forward in your career.  There is one key, one power, one trait you need to cultivate and use.

I don't talk about it nearly enough.

That trait?  Imagination.

I don't care how good a programmer or artist or manager you are, you need imagination to truly achieve the career you want.  In fact, Imagination may help you find out what you want when you didn't know it.

You have to be able to dream up new career paths and goals or you'll be trapped in the paths and patterns set down by others.  What worked for others and has worked before may not always be perfect for you, and imagination lets you find a path that's right for you – even if it's mostly one followed by others.  That path is out there – if you can dream big enough to imagine it.

When you are on your career you'll face many challenges – and Imagination lets you overcome them.  The problems you face may not yield easily to solutions – or have any solutions people know of.  When you have to face a reorganization, a market change, a move, your Imagination can come up with solutions to those challenges and problems.

As your career goes, Imagination can open up new paths and give you new ways to develop.  Your career path is yours, so finding a path that fits you is the only way to be truly happy and fulfilled.

Are you applying your imagination to your career?  Are you dreaming up new things?  Or are you doing the same old same old, and leaving your imagination to your hobbies and recreations?

– Steven Savage