News of the Day 3/15/2010

The Lehman Brothers fraud could sink Geitner, Microsoft spreads its wings phone-wise, and Broadband may rise to the occasion in the US. Get your motion metaphors in place – it's time for must-know geek career news!

A good look at elements of a successful project proposal, meant for freelance writers, but good in general for anyone who has to do proposals or has gone freelance.

In IT? Healthcare IT positions look promising.

Did Tim Geitner help hide Lehman Brothers Fraud? So much is brewing around Lehman Brothers it's hard to sort it all out. I keep thinking Geitner's days are numbered, and that there's more issues at the fed to be found. However I'm not buying there will be a Big Upcoming Crash – I think everyone involved is going to draw things out with the hope of no massive disruptions.

A useful roundup of cable alternatives

The state of the news by the numbers. The numbers don't exactly add up either, suggesting that there are going to still be changes in how people get news, how news makes money, and why.

Windows Phone 7 has Netflix, XBox Live support – As Microsoft goes for integration, just like everyone else. Are the Everything Wars turning into the Everything Peace? It seems an even more complex series of relationships are developing among various tech and media companies.

Just what is an e-book worth? A roudup on thoughts on the subject, and a good read. I especially like how it calls out the tension between big stores (KMart), booksellers, and customers – pricing is a big issue, moreso in a downturn.

Hachette launches a social media site. Hachette also owns Yen press, which we've been favorably impressed by. Sounds like they're hip and with it, and may indeed be resume worthy – and worth watching for how this project goes.

An interesting idea that people are avoiding TV to do more productive things. I wonder if some of fandom can fit this trend – inspired by media, it often involves a lot of productivity.

MUST READ: A helpful summary of the FCC's national broadband plan. This is noteworthy for many reasons, from attempting to bring the US to high standards, to the money it may pump into providers (it is also part of the Re-investment and Recovery act), to how it was made by social media. Frankly I don't feel this is getting enough attention – something like this could be expanded further as a kind of high-tech recession-buster effort ala the past work in the Depression. Though if we get another banking collapse (above) maybe it'll become that . . .

CEO of eInk talks the future of the company. Never heard of eInk? They do the displays for lots of e-book readers, so you well may. It already looks like color displays are coming. These guys seem savvy, have a good market, and probably need your resume

Video Games:

A look at how a female game designer sought to make a level appeal to women – And what she learned.

Sony has it's Wii-like controller: and is already concerned about shovelware.

Infinity Ward founders sign with major talent agency – an agency that also represents Tom Hanks. Not only another chapter in the current soap opera, but a possible shift in how game talent manages itself. Could be useful if you're in gaming – or if you wonder about a career in talent management . . .


Twitter's new open platform is here – I am underwhelmed, and some of this sounds like it's browser-breaking (hoverovers?), but still Twitter is big news so let's see where this goes.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Could Hollywood Talent agencies – and other agencies – find fertile ground working with people in game design?

-Steven Savage