Just a note, since a lot of you are on vacation, busy, or otherwise occupied, Survey Sunday is going to skip a week. We'll pick it up next week, when you're merely hung over from New Years.
So we asked . . . (and by the way due to a glitch I had to adjust things slightly)
1. Right now there's a lot of media popular in North America that comes from Britain and Japan. So what other countries do you expect to affect North American media in the next decade?
- India – 33.3%
- South Korean – 33.3%
- South America (General) -33.3%
- Europoe (General) – 16.7%
- China – 33.3%
- Australia – 16.7%
- Middle East – 16.7%
- Northern Europe – 16.7%
The end results were . . . well frankly entirely not surprising. I expected more variance but pretty much it was Asia, India, and South America which is not surprising at all.
Honestly, I gotta challenge you folks more . . .