Here's your weekly challenge. We're going to get a bit psychological.
I want you to ask yourself, what your complete opposite is like. What's the "you" from the Mirror Universe, Bizarro World, whatever fictional opposite-land you prefer as a metaphor. Who is this other you? what motivates them? What do they do – and what don't they do? What is their daily life like?
Once you have a good image of this UnYou, ask yourself a few questions:
- What is it that they do that you wish you did or should?
- What is it that you do they don't that you're proud of?
- Is this alternate you happier or sadder than you? Why?
- What do they do for a living, and does it work?
- What do they do for fun, and why? Does it make them happy?
- What can you learn from them and what can they learn from you?
This week, take a look in the mirror and find out what you learn.
(Though I won't go into much detail on my experience with this exercise, I realized I was much happier than my opposite.)
– Steven Savage