Financial sadness, an ngry Steve Jobs, an aggressive Netflix – it's quite a day today!
There's a new analysis of the way MERS created all sorts of title problems. It's not just the mistaken foreclosures, it can make selling a house difficult as well, and create problems for purchasers. If you're up for reading the full report, good, but if not at least read the executive summary. This is good to know economically, but for econogeeks and techs, imagine the opportunities out there to unwind this mess . . .
Aspen comics adds fan participation to a new comic. Should be interesting to watch.
B&N replaces it's DC stock with AD 2000 and related material. Not sure how well this will do, but as we're on the fourth or fifth "British Invasion" I'm not sure.
Penguin has a digital-first imprint coming though this comes from the romance perspective. Hopefully we'll hear more soon – and that's a venerable publisher going digital-first.
Social Media:
Google+ is going to integrate with Blogger. Just a bit of news.
The late Steve Jobs was incredibly angry at Google and ready to go to war over Android as he felt it ripped them off (and I get the impression may have broached what was seen as a territorial agreement). We have an idea of Apple's focus – and a lot more exposure about the mercurial Mr. Jobs. So is the battle going to continue with his death?
Where are the family friendly shows? A gap in television is explored. Might indicate some useful opportunities – but also is food for thought on television trends.
Netflix is going to be in the U.K. and Ireland in 2012. World domination continues – and you may want to see what oppos are in your country. Also remember in the U.K. they're up against Amazon-owned Lovefilm.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: So, where are the family-friendly entertainments? Is there a market?