Promoting Professional Geekery #8: Mentor People

So much like us here, you want to promote the idea of professional geekery.  You want to remind people "hey you can do what you love," and in some case wave it around to remind people it's TRUE.

So be a mentor to a current or future progeek or a bunch of them.

Give them professional advice: Tell them about the not-so-geeky side of progeekery with advice on resumes, job searches, education, etc.

Tell them about your life: You ARE a progeek.  Tell people about what you do and show them it can be done.  Just don't brag, it's annoying.  It's especially helpful if you show how your life has lessons.

Teach them Geeky Skills: Teach them how to use social media, do a web page, draw, whatever.  Teach them your progeeky skills.

Teach them NON Geeky Skills: Look, some skills like budgeting, etc. are pretty useful.  Might as well tell them to current and future progeeks since you can probably communicate it to them better.

Teach them Psychological Skills: You know what their lives are like, you know their stresses and potential.  Give them the boost, the mind tools, etc. that you learned to help them out.  You can probably explain it to them easily.

Coach Them: Take a person or more under your wing and coach them directly, guiding them and their careers.

Go on.  Promote progeekery directly!

Steven Savage