News Of The Day 11/23/2011

Layoffs, changes in game subscriptions, and much, much more. This holiday week is getting interesting . . .

An interesting thought: consumers know more than salespeople and that changes shopping among other things. THat's a pretty good point and one I hadn't considered.

Nokia Siemens to cut 17,000 people over the next year or so. I can't say I'm surprised, but damn. Keep an eye on both of the parent companies as well as this company if you dare try and work for any of them.

Tablet magazine provider Ziro raises $20 million. They've got good partners in the industry. Oh, and they have $20 million dollars, so send them a resume.

Social Media:
GroupOn stock is falling and no I'm not surprised, yes I did warn you, etc. Let's see if this kills enthusiasm for other IPOs – because it may.

Microsoft signs a non-disclosure agreement to get more info on Yahoo. In short, this is the usual examine-stuff-for-possible-bid. This will surprise no one of course, but it could result in the seismic, if not unexpected, acquisition of Yahoo by Microsoft. That'd be a hell of a game-changer (even if we overuse that word). I'd also

You Tube rolls out Disney content and starts its rentals. So it begins.

Video Games . . . and Stuff:
A game to train people in Microsoft Office that mocks the much-maligned Clippy by making him a character. I'm all for ramification, and this may give you some good ideas, but also this is seriously meta. Presented for an interesting idea.

Big Fish is trying a subscription service for iPad. That's an interesting idea and one I'm going to watch to see how it goes. Odd thought though, could this subscription idea catch on . . . and then like MMO's turn out to work better going back to free?

GameStop gets in on carrying the ASUS Transformer Prime? Apparently so – and that looks like an obvious move for Gamestop – to start selling game-worthy devices. Plus it's ASUS, which I have a geek-crush on, so I see this as a good fusion. Now what does that mean for GameStop's future evolution? Well, that's a good question . . .

Must Read: The Careers of Classic Game Developers.

QUESTION OF THE DAY:What other technology should GameStop carry?

Steven Savage