Curry Diary: Forward To Fourteen

So I am on Japanese Curry version #14.

My current quest is to figure out the sweetness issue.  Between the spread, the maple syrup, and the wine (all critical components to the taste I’ve developed) it’s gotten a bit too sweet.  So now I’m trying that terrible task – figuring what to reduce.

That is a BIG pain in cooking.  Adding is easy.  Taking away is easy.  Adding more is challenging.  Reduction?  The worst, because it’s a case of “almost right but . . .”

It’s even more of a pain when you remove because you added something else (in this case, the wine).  If it was a matter of “yeah, I need less of this” that’s one thing.  I need less of SOMETHING because of something new . . . there’s a real pain.

Now beyond my complaining, this is also going to be educational because of the different components I can change.  I’m going to reduce the wine last, if at all, since that gave such a boost to the complexity.  I’m trying reducing Maple Syrup, which is promising, but tones down the interactions surprisingly.  I’m also looking at the spread, which may be more than I need considering the other liquid components, and because it’d reduce some of the oily/salty tastes.

I’m thinking that my quest is going to go on for quite awhile longer – let’s not kid around here, I enjoy the heck out of doing this.  So I’ll probably be trying and tweaking for awhile, and even if I get something I like, I’ll probably keep experimenting.

But we’ll enjoy the ride together!

– Steven Savage

Steven Savage is a Geek 2.0 writer, speaker, blogger, and job coach.  He blogs on careers at, nerd and geek culture at, and does a site of creative tools at He can be reached at