Steve’s Update 6/14/2015

So here’s what’s up lately!

Sailor Moon Book

Working away on that Sailor Moon book.  That’s going to have me busy for awhile as we need about 50 interviews to make it work.  Right now we have six.  Draw your own conclusions there.

Two things that we want to do for the book are 1) Find common patterns and narratives, 2) Understand the timeline of the show and the fandom.  That’s not even going to be clear for a few more interviews – and the history itself is a bit odd.  The property’s prominence in America is an odd thing, and unriddling “just how this worked” requires some detective work – and a few cases of realizing the role of random circumstance.  However, I’m also getting a few bits of fandom history here which is helpful.

Way With Worlds

OK, Way With Worlds is now all uploaded and included into a book format – which means sorting, then editing.  It’s also looking to be enormous – try about 450 pages when done.  That’s 120 pages more than any of my last books.  It’s good it’s already basically done and in need of editing . . .  but that’s a lot of work.  So yeah, I don’t think we’ll see this one until 2016.

It’s going to be interesting to rewrite what is basically a rewrite, but I want to bring more coherence to the various essays, fill in gaps, and basically make it a manual for worldbuilding.  So I guess it’ll be version 3.


Working on my fall/winter schedule still.  More as I find it, but as a hint, I’m looking to do a panel on creativity at a very professional event.  Stay tuned . . .

That’s it for me.  Hope you’re doing well!


– Steven Savage