Steve’s Update 6/19/2017

(This column is posted at,, and Steve’s Tumblr)

It’s my weekly Scrum style standup for the audience.  Here’s what’s up – but first a note.

The last two months have been pretty intense, its all been books and writing for the most part.  I may be changing some of my plans around so it’s a bit more diverse.

So what have I done the last week?

  • Way With Worlds Minibook #1: All formatted and ready to go!  Pretty much I can launch it any time.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6: Writing away.  I’m going to try and block out time to just finish it, but not making any plans.
  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” The plot is outlined!  In fact the “draft” was better than I thought!
  • Social: I spoke at Hydra-Con, made lots of new contacts, and had a great time.  Promising new con!

What am I going to do this week:

  • Way With Worlds Minibook #1: Setting up marketing and getting publishing queued up!  You should see it later next week.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6:  Writing more of it.
  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” Working on Chapter #1.  I might try to blitz it this weekend, but the goal is a readable draft end of month.
  • Writing: The usual blogging, plus a few other things I want to write.


  • Some friends are moving, which might require some of my time.

– Steve