Steve’s Update 2/20/2018

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

Here’s my latest update – and a lot to discuss!

So what have I done the last week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: I got done with the arc I wanted to edit and am actually ahead of the game!  So we’re in great shape.
  • Writing: The blogging is going well, and the Agile Creativity series will see a focus on Principle 3 . . . probably awhile after this post!
  • Personal Agile Guide: I did some additional editing, so more to come . . .
  • Seventh Sanctum: I got some behind-the-scenes work done to optimize the site for browsers.
  • Unpacking: Ok this wasn’t what I promised YOU, but I did get a lot done.

What am I going to do this week:

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: I may start on the final-edit-before-prereaders.  That’s debatable.
  • Writing: Continue my columns, and cover Agile Principle #4.
  • Personal Agile Guide: I plan to format it this week, with a (hopeful) drop this weekend.
  • Miscellaneous: I hope to do some Sanctum work (FINALLY) if I can keep not being interrupted my stuff.


  • Still sorting out the commute.  It’s a real poster.  I could ride the train which takes longer but has wifi.  I can drive which doesn’t take too much longer than my old commute, but puts me at the mercy of traffic.

– Steve