(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve’s Tumblr. Find out more at my newsletter.)
OK this was not a good week as I got allergies. Then I got sick. So let me try to catch up here.
So what have I done the last week(s)?
- Seventh Sanctum: I did get out the beta of the Strange God generator! Come witness abstract powers and passions beyond human understanding – close yet distant. It’s inspired by Cultist Simulator. Also I’ve decided to regularly set aside time to work on The Nexus the next year to really stock it up – and I have a form to add your own ideas!
- Epic Resume Go: Got published!
- Agile Creativity: I got out the Agile Creativity posts for Principle #10 and Principle#11.
What am I going to do this week (er, next few days)?
This depends on how awful I feel, but . . .
- Agile Creativity: The last post on Agile Principle #12. Then maybe one more post on creativity, and I then start rewriting it into a book!
- A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: I plan to start posting bits of continuity information on my setting to give you hints of what’s coming!
- Seventh Sanctum: Add a bit more to the Nexus and polish the Strange God generator
– Steve