Steve’s Update 1/12/2018

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Hello everyone! Well the holiday may be over, but I’m plugging away as always!

So what have I done the last week(s)?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: Is selling in ebook format while I go through the physical copy.
  • Way With Worlds: I’ve started writing the next book – on Cities! That’ll probably be out in March! Also I’ve started expanding the book distributions, so expect more updates later.
  • Seventh Sanctum: Not much here, the week got busy.
  • Other: I started formatting the worldbook for “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet” to get ready for free distribution in a few weeks! I think you’ll love it!

What’s next?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: I plan to finish the final print review this week, and a likely update to the ebook files. Then it’s one more print copy and hopefully we’re good!
  • Way With Worlds: Still writing and expanding the book distribution. Once that’s done I’ll post an update (though it’s probably two or thee weeks away as some distribution methods take time)
  • Seventh Sanctum: Mostly trying to start my new code plans. I may not have many updates on that part for awhile, but then again its part of a larger effort to try some new stuff. I don’t expect the new codebase to be out for a year.

Steven Savage