Steve’s Update 5/13/2019

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Here’s our latest sprint roundup! Definitely prefering these two week sprints.

So what have I done since last time?

  • Way With Worlds: The Fashion Book close to completion! I hope to get it to the editor next week with a drop in early January.
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: I’m through the toughest part, and am on to the rest of the book. I think I’ll have it in editing mode (for myself) in June and to the editor in July.
  • Seventh Sanctum: Working on the eventually python migration and completed the Fantasy Romance Generator.

What’s next?

  • Way With Worlds: Finishing up the Fashion book and getting it to the editor (and maybe starting the next)
  • Seventh Sanctum Book: Writing as usual!
  • Seventh Sanctum: Launch the fantasy romance generator!

Steven Savage