Steve’s Update 5/10/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Here’s a quick roundup of where I am.

Giveaways! I’m part of a Self-Help giveaway and you can score a copy of my Brainstorm Book and other great stuff.

Speaking! I’ll be at the  Prolific Writer’s conference on May 22nd and Fanime May 29-30th!

For the Way With Worlds series, I’ll start working on the next book next week! I’ve got it all outlined, so I’m going to buckle down and do it in one go!

A School of Many Futures is off to pre-readers today!

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite is now going through cases like the Superhero Names (which are really HARD to do). But I now have almost 80% of the generator code written, so we’re looking good!

Steven Savage