Steve’s Update 9/26/2021

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

So I hope you’re doing well – allergies hit me hard so a little behind. But a lot is going on.

A School of Many Futures is out – and expect an update to the eBook shortly that fixes a few errors. The print book is formatted (which took a bit longer due to some unexpected challenges), so I’m going to try to queue up a draft copy tomorrow! The hard part is done so if all goes well with the cover, I can try and relax.

“The Agile Writer’s Mindset” is now on my mind, and will probably be a bingewrite, but as noted I’m thinking of doing a Zoom with some of you to discuss it. Plus it’s a chance to socialize!

The Way With Worlds series is going to be returned to in October, as noted. As soon as I get a breather (soon?) I’ll outline the Man-Made Disasters book. I wondered if I should call it that (Created Disasters, maybe?) but it seems good enough.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite is back at it and I sorted out an IRRITATING problem that was all due to casting cases of data. That was it. So now I have to sort out one more option and I’ll have done all but two of the generators – and honestly, I may just leave those two oddballs out for now and get to solidifying the site.

And now, giveaways!

Steven Savage