Steve’s Update 4/3/2022

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Note, I’m thinking of making these bi-weekly to coincide with the larger status in my newsletter. Really, not enough interesting happens between less than two weeks!

The Way With Worlds series: “Misinformation, Disinformation, Propaganda, and Worldbuilding” is going to be late due to my editor catching a cold (just a cold).  So no big deal there, expect it around mid-April.  It’s going to be pretty awesome, in my hum.ble opinion, so I don’t mind a delay – and I’ve caught up on more things (see below).  Also banging out new covers when I can.

“The Agile Writer’s Mindset”:  Because of the Way With Worlds delay, I’ve already brainstormed this out one into a partial outline and will start writing in about two weeks!  The basic idea of the book is to look at major “parts” of writing, and how to develop a healthy Agile approach to each.  For instance, learning how to write sustainably and not burn yourself out.

The Compendium of Writing Advice: Still in mind, but not edited.  I’ll revisit after the next WWW book is out.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite: OK now one generator left (the Anime Attack one) and I’ve got it.  I’m also solidifying code here and there and have a completely functional test site!  So Q2 is definitely in my sights, and I’ve figured out a way to build in some failover to go to the old site.  After over a year – during crazy times – it’s happening.

Let’s check the giveaways!

Steven Savage