About two months ago, everyone in my apartment was getting dissatisfied with the state of our cable internet provider. We had slowdowns, odd errors, and fixes that weren't really fixes. So we decided to try AT&T's DSL service. Since having a good internet provider is of interest to many of us progeeks (or regular geeks), I wanted to give a quick review – and because there's a special extra I discovered . . .
Steven Savage
News of the Day 6/15/2009
How to deal with the dreaded 'overqualified' label – A big issue with some progeeks since we may be in our fave industries for decades.
Will we have a double-dip recession – or depression? A good read – because lately I'm hearing all sorts of predictions of how we're 'out of the woods' or the economy shows 'green shoots' while ignoring a lot of financial, political, and institutional problems that are still out there. In short, over-optimism and a lack of continued stimulus and policies could lead us right back where we are in a few years. I'm concerned about this myself, because of not only historical predicdent, but because the economic downturn's effect AND the effects of responses to it on various economic factors (inflation, etc.) may not be felt for some time.
Social Media:
How Facebucks will change Facebook – An analysis of just why it may work. If it does work, then I expect EVEN MORE emphasis on social media commerce.
Twitter plays a huge role in the Iranian protests
Adobe gets further into the collaborative office – Which means taking on Google, Microsoft, Zoho, and more. Adobe is worth watching because they're so widespread (Flash, anyone?) yet no one pays attention to them very much. This intrigues me as it may be part of a multipronged strategy to expand and cement their market presence.
Video Games:
Here's some marketing synergy: McDonald's offers Big Macs for collecting Pokemon from hotspots on your DS. A fun example I pass on to stimulate imaginations of progeek marketers and game developers out there.
Zynga's not happy with how iPhone apps are monetizing. Zynga has a lot of mindshare and user-share, so their disappointment may be A) indicative of potential problems, and B) could ahve repercussions for what other developers will risk.
-Steven Savage
Your Job: Change or Modify?
Rare indeed is the person whose wanted to change what they do – moving up, moving to something else, starting a different career entirely.
Often when I encounter people who want to use their fannish/geeky interests on the job a change is what people are looking for, in industry if not actual job being done. That's understandable, rare indeed is a person doing exactly what they like exactly where they want (and rarer still is such a person being satisfied with wht they have years from now).
Now in an effort to make one's job geekier, I'm all behind looking to change jobs and industries, but let me add the suggestion that it may be easier to modify one's job or area of work than to make a radical change, at least right away.