In which one of your bloggers apologizes

Everyone who reads this knows that Fan-to-pro has it's crush objects.  One of mine is Emergent Game Technologies.  However in a deep irony, I tend to get their name wrong – sure I get the Emergent part right, but I've also called the Emergent Development Technologies and Emergent Technologies, and probably a few other names besides.  Once I get a wrong name stuck in my head . . .

So, with that correction issued, let me note one of our crush objects is EMERGENT GAME TECHNOLOGIES – along with Crunchyroll and a few others (maybe I get their name wrong as its so tame?).  Anyway, they're quite nice folks, have good technology, send them a resume and stay on top of what they're doing since they've got some big clients.

– Steven Savage

Social Engagement is the Norm

Looking over games, blogs, news sites, etc. one thing strikes me about the future of ALL businesses.

All businesses are going to have to be customer-engaged to succeed.  They'll need posts, comments, Tweets, emails, FAQS, forums, and more because THAT is the new normal.

Part of this is the influence of social media, of course (as I noted, social media is normal anyway), but part of this is the accessibility the internet provides.  People expect to be able to communicate, get answers, get information, etc.

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