A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: Life In The Great Cities

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Let’s get to know more about the setting of my upcoming novel, A Bridge To The Quiet Planet.  It’s out late this fall but you can find out about the world now let’s talk about life in one of The Great Cities . . .
None of the Great Cities is like the other, but there are some common experiences to living in one. The following examples provide a good idea of what it’s like to live there, as well as in the large cities of other worlds like The Barrow, Dawn’s Approach, or Corvallion.


The term “Great City” is surprisingly specific considering the situation where it originated. However, it has often be tweaked as a way to avoid anyone else claiming Great City Status.

First, a Great City should be a large metropolitan region with an educated populate as well as the regional resources to support itself. In theory a Great City could exist independent of the others.

Second, that City should consist of and control contiguous territory. Many Great Cities to us would appear to be collections of many cities or regions (in the case of Highpoint, they used to be). To someone from Telvaren, for instance, the entire state of Massachusetts would be “Boston” to them.

Third, that City should be able to enforce laws and order it’s territory – called a Province.

Fourth, the City must be recognized as a viable economic, political, and cultural force. For reasons that are mysteriously obvious in over two hundred years no other city has been declared A Great City.

Fifth, the City must abide by and enforce the laws of The Government such as it is able.

Sixth, that city must be a representative democracy and represent the interests of its citizens appropriately.


Though the Great Cities are unique, there’s a common layout, except for Highpoint (which is really cobbled together from several cities).

First, there’s usually a central metro region. This is where government cites, where influential organizations are housed, and where many city offices are located.

Outside the central area there are usually specific geographical regions called Wards (or Districts offworld). Wards can be anything from a particular unique region to a city that was adsorbed into the larger city to a random idea to subdivide an area. Wards are useful political organizations, allowing the City to be managed in sections.

As one gets further from the center, manufacturing areas, vertical farms, sunfarms, and more become more apparent. On the fringes of the city agriculture is usually the rule.

Finally, outside a Great City are smaller towns and lesser cities.


In The Great Cities few people own their own homes, though this is sometimes the exception in Highpoint and Zafrel. Most people rent from City-sanctioned organizations, or buy into collective ownership of part of an apartment complex.

Many houses or apartments, especially ones of the West and South, don’t necessarily have bedrooms. Instead they often have multi-use spaces that people sleep in.


It’s a point of concern among many a pundit that people in The Great Cities seem to know less about cooking than such pundits deem worthy. Most people get convenient meals when needed, and this is not so much due to restauraunts but various businesses and stores that have premade meals. Many a convenience store adds a kitchen and supplies local customers.

Despite this decades-old trend, most apartments and dwellings come with full kitchens. No one actually wants to remodel to take them out.

Fresh and healthy food is an obsession of many a diner, and the citizens are careful to ensure its access. Vertical farming is somewhat common in older cities and those with space limitations – and Triad True and Sabillion are enthused about them. Shipments from Agris on the outskirts complete food distribution.

Many people get their breakfasts on the go in the morning.

Work And Professions

Though there’s an eight-day week, the idea of a “workweek” doesn’t quite exist, though the usual “workweek” is five days and a three day weekend. Cities are also going twenty-four hours a day, so exact hours one might be on a job vary.

For many professions there are different shifts and times, especially ones involving vital city and public services.

Over the centuries, many professions have evolved common outfits or styles that denote their jobs. There’s a lot of pride in one’s calling.


Most citizens of the Great Cities proper don’t own any form of transportation beyond a bicycle, if that. Elaborate public transportation is common in all cities, from simple buses and subways to the elaborate Skytrams of Allanax. It’s simple, effective, and energy-saving.

Transportation runs twenty-four hours a day, though it may require elaborate understanding of transportation schedules.

Social Life

Entertaining at home beyond a few friends is not particularly (and often hard due to space constraints). Much socialization is done at such places as coffee shops, temples, rooftops of one’s apartment, public meeting areas, parks, libraries, and more. For many citizens, home may be a place that one sleeps and bathes in and little else.

Most citizens have at least one “public service” they do such as helping at libraries, assisting the Constabulary, acting as a volunteer fire department, tutoring, and more. This is considered both a citizen and a social action.

Clubs are also very popular among citizens, and some also perform public service.

Churches and Temples provide a lot of social space and opportunities, depending on their given god. Some of their activities might seem controversial, depending on which god or goddess is involved.

Finally Guilds, Unions, and other professional associations are a part of most people’s lives. Monthly meetings, charity events, and so on are common.


An educated citizenry is critical to society, and every Great City has its schools and colleges. Most citizens attend school until eighteen, and many then attend college – education is publicly funded in all Cities, though to a different extend.

Schools are year-round, with quarterly breaks based around the seasons of about 3-4 weeks. Schools provide a number of social activities that often tie into other clubs, temples, and associations.

Colleges can wield considerable power. Brightguard is most notorious for it (to the point there it’s said the schools there control the city), but to a lesser extent Polestar (in Grand Ivar), and the schools of Nasharex are influential as well. Colleges also command enough money to employ people and influence political decisions.

– Steve

A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: Names

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Let’s get to know more about the setting of my upcoming novel, A Bridge To The Quiet Planet.  It’s out late this fall but you can find out about the world now . . .


The various countries and regions of Telvaren have had many naming traditions over the years. Many of them still exist in one form or another, even if in honorifics. However, certain naming trends dominate the culture.

A person one meets on Telvaren or its associated worlds may have a name like Scintilla Ferr-Orbil or Marigold Rel-Domau. The name of most citizens is in three parts:

First Name

The first name is almost always an object, phenomena, or thing with some meaning to the parents, family, culture, or community. The sources of these vary widely, and most everyone has a “why I got this name” story, some of which aren’t humiliating.

Common sources are:

  • Family traditions, often on certain objects – plants, stones, weapons, etc.
  • Meaningful items – An author may name a child “Papyrus,” a doctor may name a child “Remedy.”
  • An occurrence of birth – A child born during a storm may be named “Rain” or “Lightning.”
  • Items relevant to an important god – A child born to a worshipper of Ivonau, the god of magic, might be called “Rune” or “Grimoire.”

Last Names

The second paired names are matrilineal. The first is the matrilineal name of the mother, the second the matrilineal name of the father.


  • Marogld Rel-Domau is the daughter of mother Lyric Rel-Kaber and father Key Domau-Jobal.
  • Scintilla Ferr-Orbil is the daughter of mother Joyful Ferr-Bistrain and Thunder Orbil-Mizra

Most people refer to each other by both last names, though it’s not unacceptable to merely use the maternal name in casual conversation.

Name Variants

There are still variants on this common name that occur for certain reasons:

  • Traditional first names. Some people or families use names in older languages, family traditions, or due to regional trends. This you may meet someone with a name like Gyra Trell-Ozmi whos family uses old traditional names (in this case Northern ones)
  • Traditional last names. This is far rarer, but a rare and decreasing amount of people have single last names due to regional or family tradition. This is usually seem in Central and at times Western regions, but is also known on the world of Lindhaem. An example of a very traditional name would be Shalen Vynne – though there is some potential confusion . . .
  • Estrangement. Some people due to estrangement from one side of a family or other reject the last name of one of their parents and go with a single name. This is seen as a complete disownment of that family and would be considered a massive insult. An example would be Beacon Rindle – whose use of modern first names with a single last name hints at estrangement.

The Origin Of Modern Naming

The current way of naming children is not new – it originated from the common Western and Southern way of naming children. This had spread to some Central and Norther regions. What made it far more popular was the War and then popular culture.

Having a way to easily refer to people’s lineage was made necessary during the devastation of The War. Simply treating last names as a way to track both sides of the family was remarkably convenient, and became popular in the evolving Government and Military – the Military was especially enthused about it for the sake of ease.

The establishment of The Government and a relatively unified culture among the future Great Cities helped further this naming tradition. The various cities that became The Great Cities had a great deal of cultural and economic commerce anyway, and in some ways had more common culture than their countries. The Network in its Second and Third forms also propigated common culture.

Finally, true popular, global culture evolved in the last one hundred years. A few major Great Cities – most notably Sabillion, but also the Theopolis of Triad True and the academic powerhouse of Brightguard – had an outsides influence on culture. This also spread common naming ideas making them more common.

– Steve

A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: The Network

(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Let’s get to know more about the setting of my upcoming novel, A Bridge To The Quiet Planet.  It’s out late this fall but you can find out about the world now . . .

The Network

The Network is a general term on Telvaren for the massive, reasonably unified system of computers and communications technologies providing access to information. It is roughly equivalent to the internet as we know it in the 21st century, but far more restricted and carefully set up.

That is because of both culture and history.

The History of The Network

Though books have, could, and will be written on the subject, the history of The Network can be summed up with some simplicity.  Throughout recorded history people have used magic and tehn technology to communicate information. At some point, roughly 1000 to 500 years before The War, there were attempts to build a global or at least reasonably global network.

The First Network was created entirely with magic and sponsored by many Mages Guilds, some of which lived down their following mistakes. This first effort happened some 750 years before the reformation or roughly 950 years before current times. It functioned for several decades, but then was overtaken with magical side effects, ghosts, echoes, and even demons of pure information. It was ultimately disassembled, not that it was that functional near the end.

The Second Network was created with a mix of magic and technology some 500 years before the current age, or 250 years before the reformation. Though it’s not often known, some of the foundation of the The First Network was used, if only to patch connections between large geographic regions. It lasted fifty years before having malfunctions due to security and rampant Flashmind AIs.

The Second Network, despite its later malfunctions, became commonplace in people’s lives and was considered integral to building the social structures that survived The War.

The Third Network was build on the malfunctioning Second Network, with increased security and the formation of the organization known as the Techmoni. The Third Network emphasized heavy security, careful protocols, and appropriate functionality.

The current Network is considered the Third Network in most knowledgeable people’s minds.

The Maintenance Of The Network

The Maintenance of The Network is largely up to an organization known as The Techmoni. A non-religious but dedicated organization like The Bridgers, the Techmoni improve protocols, release patches, and ensure its security.

The Techmoni are funded by the various planets and the Great Cities, and the main Government supposedly has little involvement in it. This is technically not true, but the Government keeps its involvement quiet, focusing on ensuring the unity Network and avoidance of regional conflicts.

Few people who join the Techmoni ever leave for other jobs, though they do tend to retire.

The Structure Of The Network

The Network consists of a series of distributed nodes, wired structures, and satellites – it is partially wireless. These may be new or centuries old and constantly refitted depending on region and location.

The Network allows for mostly faster-than-light communications due to its techno-magical elements, though often signals piggyback off of The Bridges for better signals. This is achieved by a mixture of Bridger technology and satellites, as well as signal boosters.

An enormous amount of The Network is dedicated to security to prevent malfunctions, magical incidents, viruses, rogue flashminds, and more. It is often joked that most of The Network is about making sure it doesn’t break.

Common Use Of The Network

The Network is used commonly for the following:

Electronic Mail. Electronic mail is a common form of communication. To us, it would seem that text messaging and email are the same thing on Avenoth.

Chat and Video Chat. People commonly use audio or video chat to discuss things with each other.

Reading. Many people read books on Slates, though magical texts and related are considered dangerous to put on Slates. Some of this is justified.

Research. Enormous amounts of information are stored on The Network and every Library, theocade, and University has plenty of information available.

Network Sites. Similar to our web pages, individuals, businesses, and government have “sites” one can visit for information, communication, and commerce.

Personal Information. All citizens are provided with an email address and a personal site, often used for various reasons.

Commerce. Because of caution, electronic commerce is less common than we’re used to. Many transactions are prepay, cash on demand, or validated carefully.


Slates are the ubiquitous device for accessing the Network – very similar to our tablets in the 21st century. Almost everyone has one, carrying it in a pouch on their waist – such pouches are common ways to express fashion.

Your average slate is perhaps less than a third of a meter by a fourth of a meter depending on make. They are light devices, though heavier than we may be used to – especially military models and those used by various professions. This heaviness is due to increased insulation and security technology.

– Steve