Your Job: Change or Modify?

Rare indeed is the person whose wanted to change what they do – moving up, moving to something else, starting a different career entirely.

Often when I encounter people who want to use their fannish/geeky interests on the job a change is what people are looking for, in industry if not actual job being done.  That's understandable, rare indeed is a person doing exactly what they like exactly where they want (and rarer still is such a person being satisfied with wht they have years from now).

Now in an effort to make one's job geekier, I'm all behind looking to change jobs and industries, but let me add the suggestion that it may be easier to modify one's job or area of work than to make a radical change, at least right away.

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Brilliance Unrealized

A strange thing holds us back at time – not a lack of good ideas for our careers, our art, our lives, but too many of them.

We run around trying to implement them all – and fail.  We worry over what idea to use, what technique to try, what code to develop – and get less done.  At time's we're just frustrated – at least when we had writer's block or other creative stagnation we weren't trying to decide between multiple good things.

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