Weekly Challenge – What’s the Next Crisis?

I'm not an unnecessarily cynical person.  I just think of myself as cautious and forward thinking.

Think of me as a necessarily cynical person instead.

In my career I've been impacted by many recessions, economic changes, business changes, etc.  I've been there in the dot-bomb, I got cut in mergers, I was there when industries melted down.  I tried to keep on top of those issues with a moderate amount of success.

We're still in a recession or the tail end of a recession as I write this.  I expect we've got a recovery that's going to take 2-3 years on average, but the long term recovery will mean pain.  Dubai is having its own economic meltdown.

So, despite the fact we're in the middle of a financial crisis, here's your challenge for the week.

1) Ask yourself what will the next economic crisis be once this one passes and has been forgotten by the short sighted.
2) Ask what this means for your career – and your ideal career.

You don't have to be totally cynical, but it never helps to keep an eye out and notice what may go wrong in the economy of your nation and the world or what trends are coming to an end (if you wish to sound less cynical).

So go on, what do you think?  Me, I'm betting the next decade will bring a few general corporate mergers and collapses caused by the economic fallout and the changing economy, and  probably a mini-financial crisis in the next 5 years when a few more financial institutions can't keep faking it.

– Steven Savage

Fandom and Time Management

Anyone who remotely knows me knows that I tend to organized, which is saying that the last Transformers film contains a few explosions.  I'm actually pretty proud of my organizational abilities, they've helped me on the job and to keep my own life in order (especially good in these tough economic times).  My very job, Project Manager, is based on me being good at planning.

Fandom is a good reason for this.  My hobbies are a big part of how I developed these skills.

If you get involved in fannish activities, like any activity, you have to get organized.  At worst you need to follow the plans of others – collaborate on the writing, show up for the game, etc.  You may even take on larger projects and events, planning cons, writing fanfic epics, etc.

If you have successful fannish activities, you ARE organized.

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Weekly Challenge – The Next Country . . .

As I've noted a few times, Japan is a country that obviously has had major influence on the North American Geekonomy.  Video Games, anime, sentai and more.  From Battle of the Planets decades ago to Power Rangers and Bleach, from Space Invaders to Final Fantasy pick-a-number, Japan has had a huge effect.

At this rate, Japanese influence on pop culture and major Geekonomic areas is more than obvious.  I'm not sure how much more influence can be had (though my guess is Kodansha is looking for more).

But there's always a hunger for new products and entertainments, foods and culture, and business models and opportunities.

So here's your challenge for the week: what country do you think is going to be next to have a big cultural/pop cultural influence on North America?

South Korean and it's growing media?

India with it's tech opportunities and the power of Bollywood?

More British influence now that Doctor Who is Reborn and series are getting remade (again)?

Think about what's next.  After all, my fellow progeek, you're going to be living it in the years to come . . .

– Steven Savage

(And as for my answer?  I'm still thinking that one over.)