Civic Diary 9/14/2017

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

Yes, it’s time for my latest Civic Diary.  So where am I in my efforts to be a better citizen?

More or less holding the course still, but with a few changes:

First  of all if you have trouble bugging/talking to/seeing your representatives, do not forget email.  It’s not as good as the phone call, but it’s something you can timeshift and probably do cut-and-paste.  Also some local reps (like city and county) are much harder to call, so the email may be easier.

Secondly, I’m starting to track my efforts in a google doc.  This way I can check off what I do on my phone – much easier to keep track of, update, and more!  I take my various mailing lists and dump them in there.

Third, definitely keep track of news.  This tells you what others are doing, what you forgot, and maybe in a few cases when you don’t need to call/bug a representative if they do something you’re planning to annoy them on.  The latter helps so you can change a prod to a compliment.

And now some psychology and social callings.

Right now we’re more and more aware all the time of how people seek to divide us – not as if we weren’t aware there was assorted news playing on racial resentment and political divisions.  Remember you’ll always want to be aware of just what’s going on in efforts to divide the country and work to bridge gaps when possible.  You can’t always make peace with people who want to hate you, but you can build your community stronger to survive and prosper.

Secondly, though everything is political to an extent, some parts of our lives and communities are less political than others.  These “not-as-political” things like book clubs, conventions, and so on are important.  Work to cultivate these communities and your friendships to keep them strong and provide stability.  I also find it helps prevent divisions like above.


– Steve

Civic Diary 8/22/2017

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

Yes, it’s time for my latest Civic Diary.  So where am I in my efforts to be a better citizen?

First, as always, holding my ground with my online work with a local political group, doing their Facebook page.

What I realized recently is that a lot of political groups that get established sort of stop innovating.  I’m there running the engine and so on, but I’m not just there to do that I’m there to innovate.  So I’m already taking what I’ve learned in author promotionals and using it on their page – add polls, roundups, and more.  I’m also calling a meeting to address social media – and probably have to make that every month or two.

TAKEAWAY: Don’t just run the engine in your activism, innovate.

Some of my other groups have taken a break this month, so we’ll see where they are next month.  Just in case, I’m tracking others I may want to join.  I haven’t quite found a “home” yet, except for the above-mentioned older group.  So always keep auditioning.

TAKEAWAY: Keep up your activism until you find a home – but don’t give up.  However . . .

I did have to take a break from my usual large amount of calls simply as I had so many events I’d become kind of exhausted.  So I didn’t do much calling later last week and don’t plan to start of this week.  That helped a lot – then again, man, have the last weeks been weird.

However, doing this kinda felt good as I saw how active others are in these times.  It helps to appreciate everyone else wants to change the world too.

TAKEAWAY: Take a break now and then from your activism.  It may let you see how others are doing.

I also keep myself on various activism mailing lists, so getting back on top of things is easy.  Those act as great reminders.

TAKEAWAY: Join some activist mailing lists.  It’ll help prod you – or jump back in.

Finally, I’ve found there’s a place that teaches Op-ed writing.  I’m thinking of taking it because let’s face it, I write.  Maybe I can use that to make more of a difference.  Plus a lot of op eds I see these days are shit.

TAKEAWAY: Seek out ways to use your unique skills in citizenship.

– Steve

Civic Geek: Grinding On

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

Keeping up on the Civic Geekery here – or what I’m doing to be more of a citizen.  Posting this, of course, to inspire people.

One thing I found is that you can get “Samey” with what you do – I noted last time I got a bit disconnected.  So what I’ve done here is take a look at one group I’m helping and say “we’re kinda in a rut, what can I do?”  To get a meeting together.  Remember when being active, you can engage and improve – it is being civicly engaged, it’s being activist.

I also mentioned my disengagement and I found some of that is me.  Do not automate your political involvement and take your heart out of it, learn to connect with people.  I was feeling poorly but dragged myself to a political meeting, and it felt great.  To stay civic stay in touch with people.

Another thing I’ve done is worked to deliver news to my different political organizations – which is a bit challenging as you don’t want to be “that person” who just posts stuff.  So I set a limit of one a day or so maximum, if it promotes activism.

Finally, one big thing I’ve done is follow the news of activism more closely – don’t just do your thing, see what others are doing.  Post-Trump I’m amazed to see how many people got active but also how many people were active – you really never see the huge network that supports our society until you look.

I have fell off of my news following and really need to fix that – focused more nationally and missed a lot of local stuff.  It’s always important to stay local.

Still don’t quite feel I’ve got my civic mojo working, but I think it’s because I’m being pulled in many directions – and doing a lot.  Is my convention speaking civic engagement?  My work to have cross-club dinners?  It is, but I think figuring what’s important is hard.  However as I’m big on building community these things do matter.

Now a few resources to help you:


– Steve