Activities For The Civic Geek: Teach Writing Skills

Good writing is the key to many things in one’s life and career – and for many it can become their life and their career.  We geeks are literary types, so why not pass on the skills to others?

If you’re a geek, you’re probably a reader.  However, I’d give it a pretty good chance that you do at least some writing as a geek, and a very good chance that someone in your sphere of geeky friends is a writer of some kind, if semi-professionally.  In turn almost all of us depend on some writing skills in our lives and careers – or would have better lives and careers with writing skills.

A lot of us writing and trying to write.  A good way to be a civic geek?  Share that writing ability with people.

  • First, we can share it among ourselves, people teaching each other and editing.  Wether it’s publishing that RPG, writing that novel, or documenting that bit of history we can train or be trained in our own geeky communities.
  • We can also rally our writing-inclined fellows to teach in the larger community.  There’s doubtlessly local writing programs that, along with literacy programs, help improve people’s skills.  I’m sure any of them would welcome a larger group of participants.

There’s also many, many ways to help improve people’s writing skills.

  • Training.  Experienced people can teach writing in classes, panels, seminars, online feedback, as part of formal education, and more.
  • Critique.  Nothing like helping people get better at writing.  But why not formalize it, from having regular reviews among your club or group to having triage or portfolio reviews at conventions.
  • Writing jams.  Regular times to sit down, socialize, and write are great for writers.
  • Bringing in the pros.  Maybe your local group of writers isn’t as professional as some – but you doubtlessly know people who can help you and others improve with seminars, speaking, and volunteering.
  • Programs.  As noted there’s plenty of literacy and writing programs out there – just a few are below – so go support them!
  • Donations.  No time to teach, rally, or otherwise do hands-on-help?  Or maybe you just want to raise money for a good cause?  Try rallying donations for good causes for writers and writing skills.

Plenty of options.  Which are you going to try?



  • Alaska Literacy Program – An Alaska-based literacy charity with an emphasis on training and certifying teachers and tutors to impart reading, writing, and speaking skills.
  • Girls Write Now – Supports future female writers with mentoring, advice, and more.
  • Mighty Writers – A Philadelphia organization that supports writing and literacy by providing free classes and teaching.
  • NaNoWriMo – Everyone knows National Novel Writing Month, but they’re an organization that relies on organizers, donations, and more – and that’s your chance to get involved!
  • Wonder Writers – A charity that promotes writing and writing skills for young people from grades K-12.

Activities For The Civic Geek: Promote Space Exploration

There are few things more geeky than space exploration.  So gear up and geek out to help us get to the stars.

Space may be the final frontier.  Exploring space has given us many scientific benefits.  But sometimes it seems we forget the value of space travel and get distracted by issues here on earth – forgetting that everything from weather satellites to new technology to the unifying drive to explore benefit us now.

Space travel also requires advocacy.  It’s expensive.  It’s hard work.  It’s often riven with politics.

If you’re any kind of geek you probably support more, better, and frankly expanded space travel.  If you’re a specific kind of geek you probably are really a supporter.  So help you and your fellow geeks promote space exploration.

You could:

  • Invite people to speak on it at various geek events – what’s a good convention without a discussion of space travel?
  • Support some of the causes listed below – or join them.  Everyone needs help.
  • Find local events sponsored by various space-supporting group and get your friends and geek groups to go there.

We’re not going to get off the planet waiting for someone else to do it for us.

But you can make a difference.


  • 100 Year Starship – They want humanity to be able to leave the solar system by the 22nd century.  Speaking, events, advocacy, and more.
  • Centennial Challenge – A NASA event to help develop new space technology.  If you’re not in the US there’s probably similar groups in your country.
  • Penny 4 Nasa – A group working to raise awareness of NASA, get increases in funding, and promote space exploration. If you’re not in the US there’s probably similar groups in your country.
  • Planetary Society – Sponsors charities, events, advocacy, and projects to promote space exploration.

Activities For The Civic Geek: Citizen Science

Citizen Science is the idea that we, as citizens, can and should be involved in scientific pursuits, research, and promotion.  It’s a profound idea mixing civic involvement, science, and of course pure geekery.

“Citizen Science” is a lovely term for people from all walks of life doing and helping with scientific work as citizens.  You don’t have to be a scientist to help – but you may work with them, collecting data, building tools, crunching numbers, and more.  It’s a mix of citizenship, crowdsourcing, and science.

It’s hard to sum up just what you can do as a citizen scientist, because there’s so many options.  The resources below can guide you, but a few ideas:

  • You may gather information on environmental change in your area – great for your friends, family, club, or convention to help out with.
  • Use your writing skills to transcribe rare documents and scientific information into more enduring formats – or even other languages.
  • Promote science education at your convention.
  • Use your knowledge of your local area to help with civic disaster planning based on your area’s unique challenges.

That’s just a a small idea of what you can do as a citizen scientist.  A little research will almost certainly find a project that’s right for you and your geeky interests -or your club, convention, writer’s group, and more.

If you don’t have time?  Well invite citizen science groups to your school, place of work, club, or convention so they can talk about what they do and recruit people.

As a citizen scientist you’ll help out worthy causes, learn, and make connections.  There’s really no downside to it except you only have so much time in the day.


Citizen Science

  • Computing
    • Code For America – An alliance of coders and citizens that innovate on technology, draft policies, and create apps to help citizenship.
  • Environment
  • Space
  • STEM
    • Citizen Science Alliance – A collaborative effort of scientists, software developers, and educators to promote and organize citizen science and citizen science projects, as well as science awareness. Their projects are tracked in
    • Science Cheerleader – A site focusing on Cheerleaders who chose science careers, promoting science awareness, and where the former can promote the latter, all with good humor and a serious mission.
    • Scientific America’s Citizen Science Page – Scientific American’s resource for citizen scientists, listing projects and updates. A good way to find something to fit your interests.
    • SciStarter – A site to find, join, and contribute to scientific endeavors. Contains a large database of citizen science projects for you to check out.
    • Zooniverse – The Citizen Science Alliance’s website for hosting citizen science projects. A good place to go and find specific projects to get involved in.