Link Roundup 10/5/2013

And here’s what’s been up in the world . . .

Wondered where the Hastag came from?  Now you can find out.  Spoiler alert, a guy in SILICON VALLEY.

AliBaba just put a ton of money into app-search engine Quixey.  $50 million.  First, that’s an important move, so watch them further.  Second, that shows an interest in app discovery, which may make the market hotter (relevant or not). #WowALotOfMoney

Lockheed-Martin furloughed 3000 workers due to the US government shutdown.  I’m sure we’ll be posting more if this drags on, so keep watching the layoffs. #DamnThatsBad

There’s a new financial scandal on the horizon dealing with foreign market manipulation.  Yeah, just what we need now.  This is LIBOR-level and could be another blow to the world economy and trust, so . . . yeah this is a depressing roundup. #ReallyAgain

– #StevenSavage



Link Roundup 10/4/2013

What’s up for today?

– Steven “Happy Horseman” Savage


Geek As Citizen: To Apply

As noted last column I think one of the major roles of geeks as citizens is to do something they do anyway – retain and value knowledge and information. Even if something is not seen as relevant, important, or cool, then geeks will retain it – and one day revive it when it is important. Our enthusiasm and love of knowledge allows us to do a great deal of good, even if it’s “eventually.”

However, we geeks are not usually passive acquirers and retainers of information. Part of what makes us who we are is that we put this knowledge we’re passionate about into action. A geek, as I noted early on, gets active in fanfic, games, writing, cosplay, whatever. Frankly you can’t really stop us.

(Ever seen someone experiment with some new piece of technology “because?” or seen someone continue a TV series via fanfic for years? you know what I mean).

That in turn leads to our second role in society – that of applying knowledge actively. OK we’d do it anyway, but seriously, it’s important.

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