Economics: Less Teens Getting Licenses

Don’t have time, cars are expensive, and there are options.

This doesn’t shock me in the least because between the cost of gas, the cost of cars, and the options (if you’re in the right area), the need for a car is probably lower.  Again, that’s probably the area one lives in, which makes me curious about demographic distribution here.

Now what’s got me curious is if this decrease (and the decrease of car sales has an interesting spread into older demographics), is going to fuel more interest in public transport at least in America.  That’s a bit tough with slashed budgets and your usual government dysfunction.

I also wonder how many teens don’t need licenses as they don’t have jobs in this economy.

– Steven


2015: Hollywoodpocalypse?

Cracked continues to watch the potential Hollywood meltdown, and tags 2015 as the likely time it’ll go Kerflooie.

This one’s actually pretty data-heavy, and they have a point that 2015 looks like it’s going to be Blockbuster Mania.  As in lots of Blockbusters, but also possibly the movie industry going the WAY of Blockbuster.

So the question comes up then – what happens if this does happen?

– Steven

Link Roundup 8/5/2013

Plenty of interesting news today, so a roundup is in order!


Put on your sci-fi boots and go to the virtual farm, vat-grown meat is a reality.  Apparently a dry, not overly exciting reality, but still this is progress (for a remarkably cheap experiment).  Food production is going to be an issue in a complex world facing climate change, so this may provide some career ideas for you, or just some ideas for you writers.  Or a Better Off Ted episode.

A look at the cultural problems startups may have that’s really been making us MuseHackers talk among ourselves.

Video Games:

Muse Hack Friend Jose San Mateo went to Gaymer X and takes a look at a need for Indies to respect gay gamers, and the convention and culture in general.  Ok game developers get reading and get thinking.

OMGPOP is dead as Zynga continues to work to find ways to make people dislike them.


The Washington Post was sold to Jeff Bezos.  Take a moment and smell the irony.

– Steven