Fandom, Geeks, Jobs, and the Japanese Economy

On and off I encounter speculation that Japan's economy is going to get worse. I'm sure you've seen much the same news over and over.

I'm not able to speculate in detail, but I can see that Japan has had its trouble since its own economic meltdown, doesn't seem to have solved it's issues, and is having problems with its workforce.  In my own opinion as a non-economist, I can at least see why people are concerned.

Geekonomically and fannish-job-wise, I wonder what will happen to the major geeky industries of video games, anime, and manga if Japan's economy does take a serious dive (again).

(This is why following economics is important to any career.  Period.)

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The New Normal varies

If you follow any economic and career news (and I'm assuming you do as you read this blog) we hear a lot about the "new normal" – what's now normal after the economic crash and changes in the world economy, and how the new normal is different from the old normal.

What I hate about this term getting tossed about is that it's done so very generally – THIS is the new Normal, THAT is the New Normal, etc.  Everything is the New Normal.

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