News Roundup 8/26/2013

What have we got today?

Quartz has a look at what’s wrong at Microsoft – and what needs to be done to fix it.  Excellent reading.  I’m still bullish on Microsoft, but they have some things to fix.

Heroes of Cosplay is having a Kerfluffle that looks to be nasty.  It seems NBC and SyFy used photographs without permissions of the photographers.  Then they got threatening towards the Cosplayers over who owned what.  Yeah, kinda ugly.

George Takei wants action on Russia’s Anti-Gay law.  Lending his voice the geek icon is going to be very powerful.

– Steven Savage

News 8/23/2013

Another reason to take Texas off of your relocation list, if the water problems and other issues weren’t enough, there’s a huge feral pig population that also spreads disease.  I’m not sure I can be funny about this.

Why recruiters need to become matchmakers.  The good ones I know already have.  Maybe you can help out the recruiters you know.

Steve Ballmer plans to retire . . . Microsoft stock leaps.  Kind of sad.  I’ve been bullish on Microsoft career-wise for awhile, and this doesn’t change my mind.

– Steven Savage

Link Roundup 8/22/2013

Goodreads having cases of Author Abuse?  Sounds like a potential problem, and Goodreads doesn’t seem to be dealing with it.

Larry Ellison isn’t feeling the love for the iPad and there’s some good points on issues with Apple.  I myself think the tablet-laptop combo is probably big for the future.  Whatever happens will affect you developers.

Netflix has 1.5 million UK subscribers.  Still moving forward.

Remember awhile ago when I got enthused about food vending machines?  Now one makes french fries.

– Steven Savage