Link Roundup 8/21/2013

Seems we’ve got a lot of interesting news lately.

Disney/ABC is having layoffs.  Interesting but not unexpected as the company is obviously changing focus.

Did you know we export garbage in the US for recycling?  Did you know China isn’t taking some of our stuff anymore?  Politics, science, and recycling intersect in a must read article that will remind you just how complex the global economy is.

Food for thought.  Can a donation model work for streaming music?

Al-Jazeera America’s strategy includes a return to news styles we’re kind of missing.  I’ve been concerned that America’s quality of news – sensationalistic, specialized, and for short attention spans – leaves us vulnerable in a global market.  Sure Al-Jazeera has reputation issues now, but what if they overcome them?

– Steven Savage


Comics: The Leaders Aren’t Leading

Comics’ problem is that there’s no real leadership from the big names?

I’d say actually this is a problem in a lot of media.  No one takes chances, everyone is comfortable, and no one is really leading towards something.  There are times leadership is bottom up.

Do you feel like leading?

– Steven Savage

Is Your Job B.S.?

Ask this question.

There’s a lot to chew over here.  But I think he hits on issues of what jobs really do and what we’re really doing.  It fits into a theory I’ve been kicking around about cultural sustainability – do we have an economy and culture that can go on?

Might want to ask what your career really is.

– Steven Savage