Backlog In Media

Imagine you're someone that produces media – or maybe you already do  Perhaps you make video games, or manga, or fantasy novels.  You have a good thing going, and of course you have competitors, but you can deal with them.  You can do more, faster, better . . . except there's one competitor that's getting better all the time and has a LOT more material than you could ever produce.

The backlog of games, anime, comics, media etc. that's out there now.  That's a growing competition for everyone working in media right now.

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Kindle, Amazon, Technology, Trust

As the Kindle Deletion Disaster continues, I'm seeing a lot of analyses of what this means.  Yes, there's what it does to Amazon, there's the political repercussions (what's to stop a government from manipulating omni-delete features), and there's more to come.  I'd like to add one thing the Kindle Deletion Disaster does to writing: it affects trust.

Trust is a very important thing in the world of media, as we geeks and fans know.  A company can loose trust with a lousy game, by cracking down on fansites, etc.  But the Kindle and similar technologies give companies – and creators – a chance to completely destroy trust in their work by doing boneheaded things.

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News of the Day 7/28/2009

A 'rantifesto' on why Resumes should be irrelevant – I can't exactly argue, I'm just not sure of the solution. I will argue that leapfrogging resumes and doing things like networking, keeping up, etc. will give you an advantage. If you can go 'beyond the resume' in your search, it'll probably help you stand out.

You're a Gen Y proud workaholic? a post on why not to say it and to reconsider it

Why programmers hate meetings – A good article, and a great excuse to get out of meetings.

HarperCollins creates Digital Editor post. They're taking the ebook trend seriously – though how well that trend will fair with some of the latest issues with Amazon remains to be seen.

Barnes and Noble partners with AT&T for FREE wi-fi in their stores – Looks like its part of their overall strategy, and probably good for retention.

Social Media:
Social Networking site doubles since 2007.

Linkedin expands company profiles on its site – This is very big for LinkedIn as it will increase traffic AND play on the increasing branding-obsession online. Well done – and if you have your own business . . .

More from the Everything Wars: Google yanks the Google Voice App from the app store for iPhone – I don't think we have the full story yet. What we do have is more of the Everything Wars.

Video Games:
Emergent adds even MORE to Gamebryo
– This time adding Pixelux's material simulator. Emergent, still one of our crush objects, continues its march to world domination. So why don't they have your resume yet?

Voice Acting:
Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt are releasing a book on voice acting – Big news because it appears to be quite good. I may even grab a copy so I can review it . . .

Finally a new term for a company just making enough for people to live on: ramen profitable. Side note, 'Ramen Profitable' would be an awesome manga name.

– Steven Savage