Game Roundup: 8/16/2013

Quite a bit of gaming news today.

Harassment a problem in the gaming industry.  Lots of interesting stories here that aren’t surprising, but one is not correct.  I’m curious how the indie movement will handle this as it at least spreads out the abuse as it were.

Microsoft killing Games for Windows.  In the wake of hiring one of the Steam Big Guys.  Yeah, pretty obvious they’re up to something new and steamlike, and I can’t say I’m exactly sure they’ll pull it off.  Microsoft’s been erratic lately.

Gaming sales down in hardware and software..  Not surprising with new consoles coming up and a bit of a dry spell.  I certainly don’t see anything to appeal to me after Castlestorm.

– Steven



Link Roundup 8/16/2013

Well OK I guess this IS a trend.  Are Links back?  Probably.


Hackers of the renaissance.  The hacker ideal is older than we’d expect.  OK, actually the hacker ethic got named later, but you get the idea.  Filled with amusing information.


Samsung to introduce a watch-phone.  Dick Tracy jokes aside this is kind of interesting.  I think the smartwatch idea is probably a wash, but as a phone replacement/integration I can see some possibility and I have faith in Samsung.

Patch starts its layoffs.  No one is surprised.

– Steven Savage

Link Roundup 8/15/2013

Another day with lots of links . . . think this may be a regular feature!






Video Games:

– Steve