News of the Day 7/16/2009

Big news yesterday was Twitter's breach of company security. Note this is not the service itself – it's the fact that internal apps (namely, Google-hosted) were opened with a hacked password. Here's some perspective. Note that the hacker is sending around documents they acquired since May, so there may be much more news about this.

Get out of your comfort zone! – A look at fear and networking.

MUST READ: Recsssion proof your career. Good advice on good attitude.

A nice map on job-postings per population – Also part of, a good search aggregator.

Simply, companies have too much debt – A quick look at the situation and some hint at what's going on. Namely? We're going to see more Chapter 11, less credit, and we'll be seeing this for years to come. As I've harped on several times (and will in the upcoming podcast), I think we're due at least another mini-recession in 3-5 years unless there's a lot of change.

Seven startups looking to do some important things in the mobile space – A bit of job-worthy research for you.

Financial Times editor predicts most news organizations will be charging online within a year. Interesting article, worth some thought since it's from a big name in publishing, and seems to be on a growing trend. Career/economic thought: how much of this is a game of chicken, where publishers want to charge, but want to see what others do, and aren't sure if they should be the first to do it (and thus maybe take a hit), or the last (and thus look like they "have" to go along – yet also may be late to the game).

Social Media:
How universities are using social media – May give you some ideas for your business/career/institution. As social media has been adopted more by the youthful, this may also twig us onto upcoming larger trends of what the population will expect.

Zoho doesn't seem to worried about Microsoft's Web Office – A feisty blog post. I get the impression Zoho plans to hold on, provide alternatives, and let their opponents hurt themselves, all while carving out a nice niche.

Microsoft plans to have motion-capture system Natal work with Windows – Granted it's also for meetings and virtual communications, but I've got the feeling this is jumping the gun on an unreleased technology. Plus I sense a potential Microsoft 'Bob' moment of some very bad and stupid things being done with this that turn people off. On the other hand, there will be some room (at least initially) for Natal developers.

More on the Hulu-blocking PS3 browser issue – Sounds like it was a provider issue, but this points out how murky a lot of relations are in the online video area. You haven't seen the end of these issues.

– Steven Savage

Thoughts on future media models, and freeness.

Right now on the internet there's a lot of discussion on the book "Free", a book exploring, well, the impact of freeness (and the internet's way of delivering it) on business models.  I've not read it yet, I probably should, if only to know where I'm going to fall on what appears to be a lot of inevitable arguments.

The discussions have made me speculate on the future of media – because media is a repository of geeky jobs.  Comics, books, reviews, games, etc.  What does free mean to us in such industries – or those of us who want to go into them.  I will attempt to keep my thoughts somewhat above the level of "ramble".

So imagine you're going online to provide some media – a game, a comic, an online novel delivered in snippets, etc.  You're going to do free because Free gets attention and there's a lot of competition.  Here's what I think it means for you, the professional geek

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News of the Day 7/13/2009

First of all, you writers, Venture Beat is looking to HIRE full time writers – so if your idea of a job is writing on venture capital, new technology, and more, send them a resume! Tell them you saw it here.

The ever-reliable Jason Alba has some suggestions for those of you sick of the job search.

Is war obsolete? Put your Freakonomist hat on and think this one over.

Canada is having an increase in self-employement – this seems to be on decline in the U.S. The why of this – and the implication of this – will be important as things drag on. I also can see this being brought into the ongoing healthcare debate in the U.S.

Wells Fargo is suing itself – Really. I got nothing. Reported as a curiosity.

L.A.'s loss of movie business is hitting some support businesses very hard – This is far worse than I thought, and looks to be a game-changer for LA and the movie culture. However it also seems movie production is scattering all over North America (and the world), which suggests to me that there will be many "movie centers" and many "subcenters." This changes people's career opportunities a great deal – follow this if you're interested in the film and television industry, your career may involve a lot of relocation.

Social Media:
Facebook is worth more than CBS – Just so you know.

We've got Mashable's roundup of Social Media events, which we remember to post here erratically, but still.

And the Titanic Tech Tussle continues: Microsoft will apparently do a lightweight, free, web version of office, a shot against Google (and in a way Zoho). At this rate between Chrome OS, Bing, etc. I don't think there's any one dominant issue – I think the two companies are starting to go at it furiously. Robert X. Cringely gives his thoughts on the Chrome throwdown, and has some interesting ideas. Personal thought – if Microsoft/Google gets into a seriously painful tussle, it could leave both companies more vulnerable.

Microsoft is also planning to launch a music streaming service. More fronts in the tech battle emerge . . .

HBO and Cinemax join the TV Everywhere project – More big names on the rather limited online video contender. Again I feel this is more an attempt to slow decline or buy time, but more names means more chance of at least short-term survival.

Video Games:
Online gaming up as console games slide – No surprise, but here's some numbers.

A look at the continuing run towards 'free' MMOs. Interesting thought is that Free is one way to complete with WoW. Additional thought – if you've got ane conomics degree, what kind of employment can you get at game companies with that knowledge . . .

– Steven Savage