Roundup of Game News 8/14/2013

Three more execs leave what’s left of Zynga.  Maybe someone can buy Zynga AND RIM.  Anyway, if you’re still there, start looking.

This is interesting.  Disney will have an iPad app/game that interfaces with Infinity.  That’s an interesting bit of interfacing that is probably worth paying attention to – building a full game/multitechnology interface.

A look at video game copyright and just who may – or may not – own what for some old games.

– Steven


Link Roundup 8/13/2013: Hyperlooping the Kickstarter And More

Had a lot of good stuff today.

Very important to follow – a startup program that focuses on an aging population.  This is a great (and kind of obvious idea) and fits trends I’ve seen lately for specialized incubators.  It’s a great way to focus and probably avoids rather dumb ideas.  Check this out . . .

Here’s three programs encouraging women in science and engineering and geekery.  It’s awesome, and yes you should check them out.

Fine, here’s something on the Hyperloop.  Actually the slightly cracked sci-fi weirdness aside, this intrigues me.  If nothing else I’d like to see it get a go if only to get people to experiment with public transport MORE.

A fascinating post that asks if there’s a danger to Kickstarter changing cosplay communities.

– Steven Savage

Link Roundup 8/5/2013

Plenty of interesting news today, so a roundup is in order!


Put on your sci-fi boots and go to the virtual farm, vat-grown meat is a reality.  Apparently a dry, not overly exciting reality, but still this is progress (for a remarkably cheap experiment).  Food production is going to be an issue in a complex world facing climate change, so this may provide some career ideas for you, or just some ideas for you writers.  Or a Better Off Ted episode.

A look at the cultural problems startups may have that’s really been making us MuseHackers talk among ourselves.

Video Games:

Muse Hack Friend Jose San Mateo went to Gaymer X and takes a look at a need for Indies to respect gay gamers, and the convention and culture in general.  Ok game developers get reading and get thinking.

OMGPOP is dead as Zynga continues to work to find ways to make people dislike them.


The Washington Post was sold to Jeff Bezos.  Take a moment and smell the irony.

– Steven