Link Roundup 7/30/2013

Whew, more news

Living, Working, And Environment:

Are we ready for more superstorms?  The answer is no.  So keep that in mind in your career, your living choices, and perhaps working to make sure we stop messing up the environment.

Phoneix and some other cities are going to have problems in the future.  Not surprising, but just think of what expanding population changing environment, and water issues mean to . . . well, ARIZONA.

OK gang, if you’re interested in green tech, recycling, or want one hell of a story twist for an SF novel, imagine this.  Sweden’s recycling means it’s running out of garbage.


Twitter is hiring with an IPO in mind.  You are not surprised.  You know what to do.  Also be fascinating to watch how this IPO goes (I think it’s probably seen as “truly valuable” so will do well).

Look, now Russia is jumping further on the censorship train.  The backer is also big on the anti-gay laws that have been passed as well.  Technical news, yes, but also a cultural and political warning.  I also wonder about the political fallout of this since now censorship efforts (like say, in the UK) have an embarrassing comparison to be wielded by opponents.

Video Technology:

Netflix profiles on Apple TV show a closer alliance.  Not surprised, Netflix partners easy and Apple obviously is making a play for the Living room like . . . well everyone.

– Steven


News Roundup 7/26/2013


College appears to be in a kind of peak, which should affect colleges. The for-profits (which seem to be the worst deals) look to be taking a hit as well. Let’s see how/if colleges adjust to this reality.


Sharknado is getting a theater release. No, really. As for what this says . . . well, yeah. No I’m not sure, but I’m sure someone will try and imitate this success and fail.


Google has shown another Living Room device – a kind of meeting system. It looks like the living room really is the site of the next big battle. Be ready for it – if you’re in any form of IT it’s going to affect you.

Is Microsoft on a long, slow decline? Is it getting irrelevant? Here’s some numbers to think about. Also consider this in light of the Google announcement and the XBox One – is the living room a must-enter market for them? Keep this in mind if you work in technology, a Microsoft decline is going to change the landscape.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron thinks he can have a hackhaton to create a porn filter, missing many, many points. Note however that the “hackathon” idea is now in the heads of reactionary panderers.

Also Mr. Cameron’s dream filter would censor plenty of other things:

Video Games

One game developer gives up on the industry. Food for thought?

– Steven

A Quick Look at Chromecast

Yes, Google’s got it’s new dongle/gizmo Chromecast out.  It’s a wireless HDMI gizmo that lets you stream to your TV.  So really, it’s using your TV as a second monitor, which some of us do anyway.  However the Chromecast is also $35.00

Consumer reports does a great analysis.

To me, it’s interesting as it seems to:

  • Speak to an audience who is computer, not TV centric.  I’m that audience, and I get it – that TV is a big monitor.
  • Be remarkably restrained.  This is a small gizmo, not a big device.  If Google is going small, this opens up many opportunities.
  • Completely confuse and conflate TV, web, streaming, and TV.  Which may be the point and is kind of inevitable.
  • Would be REALLY interesting if paired with Steam.

Sounds like Google has some interesting plans.  Let’s watch this.

– Steven