How Hollywood’s Unoriginality Could Revive Great Ideas

Hollywood is adaption-crazy. This is somewhat understandable: Hollywood is risk-adverse and adaptions build buzz. Could you imagine “The Hunger Games” done without the book buzz behind it? The recent spate of “Fairy Tale” adaptions is a case of a seemingly safe trend, one that delivers and gets people’s attention (“It’s Hansel And Grettel In SPACE!”)

However at some point, Hollywood is going to tap a lot of big adaptions out as well as strip-mine our culture. Admittedly I see it taking 5-10 years, but somewhere in that point they might start looking at “lesser” properties. Such properties may be easily available, have enough buzz/mindshare to be worth it, and after awhile people may just be sick of “remade from something I heard of before.”

This is something I think could be a good thing.

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Facebook IPO, Yadda, Yadda Yadda

OK, here’s the Facebook IPO.  It’s here.  We knew it was coming.  We’re all waiting to analyze the results, and see how many of us have been humiliated.

So first, let me go with my take on this.  Thus I am prepared for humilation.

  • I don’t see it as a long-term investment.  I’ve seen too many companies come and go – Facebook has to become “infrastructural,” and I’m not sure they’ve done it enough to maintain it.
  • Can Facebook become “infrastructural?”  Yes, but I think they’re aiming to be “everything.”
  • Facebook seems new, some of it’s not – it’s a social integration site, and that used to be called “Prodigy” and “AOL.”  That’s fine, but I’m not sure this model can quite work income-wise in the modern age.
  • I think Facebook does have enough money and energy to refocus itself to be a success and validate (or expand) it’s stock prices.  My fuzzy vision for it is a kind of integrated social services company with various income streams.
  • Facebook could “over generalize” itself to become about so much it’s not about anything.  It could then split into several business lines.  This would be interesting to watch.

Now, from around the net as of this morning:

– Steven Savage