Civic Geek: An Update

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

So what have I been up to as a Civic Geek?  I figured I’d do a quick summary.

  • First, still doing social media work for a local political group.  I’ve been focusing more on making sure people are aware of local and national/international groups they can join, as well as doing daily activism posts – ideas of what to do that day.  I may have mentioned this recently, can’t recall as it’s been awhile.
  • I’ve also started to add a news roundup mostly every weekday.  There’s so much damn stuff to keep up with it’s necessary.  Because of that . . .
  • I’ve had to work harder to keep up on local news as national/world can be distracting.  So that’s taking some effort for obvious reasons.
  • I’m trying to get back to being more active – calling, writing, etc.  That’s been surprisingly hard considering so many recent changes, but I got a bit closer this week – I think you need to have a strategy for these kinds of things.
  • I’m also trying to remember that when I miss calling a representative I can always email them.
  • Because of all the crazy news, I find the news reporting I do for the group helps me keep the big picture.  If you’re having trouble keeping up on the news then maybe sitting down to round it up yourself will help.
  • Because more and more is becoming apparent in what’s going on in the world, as more things are exposed, as we have people push for change it’s educational.  Pay attention and think philosophically about what we can learn from all of this – and how we got where we are (good and bad)

– Steve

Civic Geek: The Kids Are Damned Right

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

So let’s talk the Parkland shooting and March For Our Lives.  We’re watching teens band together and inspire others to band with them, to take on our country’s gun laws to stop the school shootings that have destroyed so many lives.

These kids are getting attacked, being called fakes and part of a conspiracy.  They’re being called opportunists.  They’re being called impolite.  They’re being mocked.

They keep going.  More and more are banding with them.

So let me drop my usual civil discussions and rant a bit about these kids.

These kids are not naive about this issue.  They know the score.  They hear about people their age being shot.  They see the news, the guards.  They know – and they know none of the solutions work.

They know what people say and they’ don’t care.  They’re young enough to have not been indoctrinated into our automatic pundocracy and political catchphrases.

They’re not ignorant.  They’re wired, online, paying attention.  Welcome to generation internet.

They’re connected.  They’ve been raised on social media and they’re using it.

No, you can’t intimidate them because they see the state of the world. They know the client is burning and the economy isn’t working for most people.  They know they can’t trust the President.  They know their future is imperiled, and they’re fighting back.

No, they don’t respect their elected officials.  Their elected officials screwed up.

No, they don’t respect the President.  Because they know the President is a sell-out, probably mentally ill, and he damn we’ll doesn’t show respect to anyone else.

No, they’re not polite because politeness doesn’t stop a bullet from a guy who shouldn’t have a gun.

All those dystopias we raised them on?  Turned out they were for real.  They’re fighting back.

And no, they don’t give a damn about the people mocking them and critiquing them and coming up with conspiracy theories.  Because they’re not talking to them, they know they’re lost.

Start learning from them.  They can teach us what we need to know – and what we forgot.


– Steve

Civic Diary 2/13/2017

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

Still haven’t stopped these, though man they need to be more commonly updated.  I got hit with some nasty illness (we have multiple colds here) and apparently got sick twice.  So the last few weeks weren’t fun.

Political Groups And Activist Groups

I’m now helping with social media for a political group in the area – it’s a sort of “test” ground for me and my other ideas, because . . .

Don’t think you can just go to an activist group and say “give me something.”  A lot of them have hierarchies, legal requirements, etc. you have to follow.  I learned that the hard way, so now I’m working my way up.  Still I get to do some good and am going to use this to introduce a few new ideas and cool things.

The great part of being part of an established group is reach.  Nothing like being able to do something to affect a few hundred to a few thousand people.

I’m looking into involvement with my city and possible a few other groups.  I think all you can really do is just keep trying them out until something clicks for you.

TAKEAWAY: Pick at least one activist group to join, but remember it may take time to get a position.  Help anyway.

Do It Yourself

So one of my acquaintances up and created a political group for friends on Facebook where we coordinate.  Might want to give that a go too!

TAKEAWAY: Try a social media group for friends and politics.

Regular Activity

To help me out I’m doing the following

  1. I have a Google Alert for all representatives on the state and federal level, so once a day find out what they’re up to.
  2. I keep my usual news feeds.
  3. Out of that I find what I want to call them on – usually daily or every other day to tell them what they did right and wrong and make specific demands.
  4. This helps you keep up on local information anyway – I’ve had a few surprises, most of them pleasant.

How’s it working?  Not entirely sure as I’m one person, and there’s many voices, but my Congressman’s office now calls me by name when I call before I speak.  So I’m making an impression.

I’ve also decided that is worth following and am calling companies carrying Trump merchandise.  Very inappropriate and an area of ethical concern – especially as of late.

TAKEAWAY: Set up news/alert feeds to tell you who/what to call on each day.


I’ve been updating my civic guide and do need to post it now that I no longer feel terrible.  It’s been pretty helpful!

That’s what I’m up to.  What about you?

– Steve