You have skills you use in fandom that you can use on your career – but can also use on your job search! A quick roundup of our articles on the subject!
You can use:
Writer, Agilist, Elder Geek
You have skills you use in fandom that you can use on your career – but can also use on your job search! A quick roundup of our articles on the subject!
You can use:
So last week we talked about how your fan-based networking skills may help on the job search. There's oe more issue I want to address – and its a skillset that many geeks, fans, otaku, gamers, etc. develop in their hobbies that they don't realize nearly enough.
(Last week we talked Webmastery from fandom to job search. Now let's move on to Networking . . .)
Fandom is a fantastic place for an active Networker. You develop your networking skills. You learn to use tools that are good for networking, like Twitter and Facebook. You meet a lot of interesting people. Even a dedicated introvert can become a great networker in fandom.
If you're on the job search, then the networking skills and opportunities you get in fandom are things you're going to want to leverage.