Weekly Challenge – Relocation Research

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time you know Bonnie and I are people who are aware of relocation issues from research, news, and our own experiences (such as my cross-country move).  Relocation is something that you'll have to face – either doing it or deciding why you haven't.

Set aside an evening for this one.

Your challenge for this week is to identify five places you'd like to live that are both geekily satisfying and good places for your careers.  List why you've decided that these places are worth moving.

Now that you know these places, do bit of research:

  1. 1) Where do they stand in the CnnMoney.com best places to live?
  2. 2) Take a look at the same pages city information and see if anything changes your mind or confirms your ideas.
  3. 3) Go to Meetup.com and see what kind of events are in your cities of choice
  4. 4) Go geektastic and visit UpcomingCons.com – a great website – and see what cons are in and near that location.

So, did any of this research confirm – or reduce – your interest in these places?  For that matter, how much research did you do in the first place?

– Steve

Weekly Challenge – Get yourself Reading

I'm always reading books on careers, business, economics.  It's not all of course -  I read about other things after all – but this is a blog on careers.

What I like to do is get into a rhythm of reading – not only cycling through my different interests, but also looking ahead to what books I WANT to read.  I always buy/borrow/check out a few books ahead to make sure I research them, have them, and can get to them any time.

Sometimes that book sitting on the shelf or in your briefcase is a GREAT reminder.

So here's your challenge to start this week.

  • Sit down and figure the next two books you WILL read for your career/business/job.
  • Go and get them, borrow them, or check them out and keep them visible so you're reminded they're there.
  • Start reading and finish them in the next month.

– Steven Savage

A Challenge – Take Your Fandom/Geekery FARTHER

You've probably had times people tell you to give up your fannish hobbies, your meekness, etc.  Grow up, they'll say.  Get a life,you'll be told.  This is immature, you'll be informed in a snooty manner.

Forget that.

The problem for many people is NOT that their fannish hobbies and geeky interests are immature, or time-wasting, or whatever.  The problem is people do NOT take them far enough.

Read more