Need to keep up on news for geeky culture, trends, and happenings? We've gone through assorted sites on the internet to find resources you can use to keep up on geeky, fannish, and otaku information!
Last Update 10/20/2010
Writer, Agilist, Elder Geek
Need to keep up on news for geeky culture, trends, and happenings? We've gone through assorted sites on the internet to find resources you can use to keep up on geeky, fannish, and otaku information!
Last Update 10/20/2010
You have skills you use in fandom that you can use on your career – but can also use on your job search! A quick roundup of our articles on the subject!
You can use:
The following is a list of professional associations and related groups that should appeal to most Progeeks, Profans, Creative Class, and other Geekonomic types.
I've also listed what countries the different associations work in.