The Advantage of Household Technology

One of my biggest advantages in my career was the fact that I got a home computer early in life.

That meant I could use job search sites back when they were just evolving, or send faxes over the modem.  It meant I could train myself on software and in coding whenever I wanted.  it let me build resumes and skills.

Now, years later (fifteen or sixteen to be precise), the home computer is nearly omnipresent, but one fact hasn't changed: the technology in your household can be a career advantage.

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PROS: Easy to use, convenient, provides some excellent services, currently free.
CONS: Social Media Profile feature is simple and is more of a personal profile or supplimental site.

SUMMARY: A quick and easy way to track your social media involvements and make them easily accessible to people.  Worth the free price, and actually worth the nominal yearly fee they may eventually charge for some services, depending on your needs.

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