Do you have a Social Media Backup Plan?

If you're not sick hearing about Social Media, you're a stronger person than I am.  I'm a blatant technophile living in a home with multiple Wii's, X-boxes, DSes, and more computers than actual users.  Despite this, *I* am getting a bit tired of hearing about social media.

Of course this isn't going to stop me from talking about it, because taking social media for granted is actually a source of trouble.

Namely, when you get to used to it, you miss making a backup plan.  Since Social Media is a big part of  our lives and careers and job searches, you'll want one.

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Foundational and the Future

With so much rapidly changing technology, its hard to know what websites, programs gizmos, etc. are going to be useful in your career.  Everything's happening so rapidly that few of us can keep up with it.  I often get the impression all technical innovation could cease for five years and people would still be catching up with ways to use current technology.

This is becoming more and more of an issue in the career arena for we pro-geeks because our careers often rely on advanced technology, if not involve outright working on it.  We don't want to miss out on the latest innovation, we want to think for the future and be in on whats next.

The problem is we often only see half the problem.

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Let Me Bore You: Spreadsheets

And it's time for another entry in our practical yet boring columns.  This time I'm going to discuss another exceedingly common and boring thing that's worth knowing how to do in your career.

That thing is Spreadsheets.  Yes, spreadsheets.  Excel.  Columns and rows and sums.  Those things.

And as exciting as they are not to many people (personal note: *I* love spreadsheets), they are something you're going to want to know a lot about, and they're something you're going to want to use.

So.  Let's get boring.

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