Relocation and Those Unepected Things

As is obvious from this blog, I am a big advocate of "effective relocation."  As much as I encourage people to put down roots, it's necessary to find the right place to put your roots down in.  You can't be happy if you're not in the right place, so I encourage people to find that right place first.

Many years ago when I had to do a job search, I decided relocation was in the cards, and aimed to get a job in a place that was right for me.  I was happy when I got to relocate to the Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area because it's a major geek and progeek area.  Besides Silicon Valley, there are only a handful of places that are even close to being so heavily geektastic.

However, despite being in one of the geekiest places on Earth, I found one thing affected me that I wanted to share.  This is not a major issue, but is a good example of those little things you never expect when you relocate.  It is, after all, those little things that sneak up on you because they are, well, so little.

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Some New Looks to the Blog

For those of you that visit the page regularly, I've been modifying the layout a bit to make it more efficient and clean.  You'll notice a menu at the top and some rearrangement of various items.  If you have any suggestions, or notice any issues, let me know!

– Steven Savage

Quick Reminder

Just a reminder that we won't be doing a News of the Day today or tomorrow because of the holidays.  We will be having regular posts since they were qued up previously!

– Steven Savage