Frustration Friday: Would We Even Recognize Long-Term Planning?

Me, I like long-term planning.  Part of that is my nature, part of it is the value, and part of it is because I'm a Project Manager and I'm paid to be anal-retentive and think long-term (fortunately both come naturally to me).

As I've ranted in these posts, we need more long-term planning in our government, our companies, our economies, and our lives.  We have to think ahead, we have to plan ahead, otherwise we get . . . er, well look just go read the economic news.  After you stop weeping, we'll get back to my rant.

So, as a person who does long-term planning, at times I have to design methods to help companies and individuals plan long-term.  Sometimes it takes a lot of explanation.

And this leads to my Frustration Friday: would we even know what the hell long-term planning looks like in the realms of economics and politics?  Would we recognize it?

I'm actually not so sure – and I count myself in the number.

We're used to balance-sheet BS, we're used to crisis-of-the-moment politics, we're used to short-term thinking.  Politicians, business leaders, and pundits that propose actual long-term and thoughtful solutions may just not fit what we're used to.  In the heat of the moment, in a distracted reading of a news article, in a short soundbite, we may not realize someone just proposed actual good long-term solutions to problems.

We're so used to the short-term planning and short-term thinking, I'm not sure we'd recognize good long-term planning from our leaders and many supposed experts.

Steven Savage

Late Breaking Geekery: Plagarism

An article with interviews on a woman who found her entire novel plagarized with name changes on a fanfic site.  Quite fascinating on many levels, a good warning, and a reminder of how good fans can warn you to such things.

This happens more than people realize, and it's not just for no money – there have been issues of "ebook spam" where people sell copies of books cheap until they get caught.

For my money there's not enough focus on plagarism as of late in media.  I'm not sure why.

Steven Savage

Frustration Friday: So How Many Job Openings Are There?

Yes, we know employment sucks in . . . . er, a lot of the world.  We know people are having trouble finding work.  Sure in some cases it's obvious – lack of demand, unused cash, lack of stimulus, etc.  But there's something else I'm noticing as I talk with people.

Namely – how many job openings are there really?

See, I'm not sure really:

Recruiters I know seem desperate for people.

  • Job openings don't seem to line up with, well, the amount of people finding work.
  • It seems hiring people takes so long because of the laundry lists, people miss hiring people.
  • I'm not sure who's not hiring just due to economic uncertainty, wanting tax breaks, etc.
  • Regional differences are, often . . . insane.

So yes, we know there's a large part of unemployment due to structural issues, economic issues, industry changes, etc.  But I'm wondering what part of it is due to things that aren't such issues, that could be addresssed – and I don't know.

I'd like to know. It'd help me help others. 

Steven Savage