Steve’s Update 9/9/2018

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Hello gang, here’s my latest update!

So what have I done the last week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:  I’m at the halfway point of my general edits, did my grammar edit on Chapter 1 and posted it for my  beta readers!  What I’m doing is using Grammarly for the final grammar edits before posting – it’s pricey, but worth it (some people I know use the cheaper program Hemingway).
  • Way With Worlds: Ended up not doing much so I gotta catch up.
  • Other: Did my library speaking – but also had more unexpected stuff to deal with.  Honestly, I need a vacation . . . to catch up.

What am I going to do this week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: I want to get beyond the halfway point and catch up on grammar edits so I can post for my readers.  I’ll probably split time so I can catch up.
  • Way With Worlds: Catching up of course!
  • Other: I’m going to be on the lookout for any interruptions here, needless to say.

-Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 9/2/2018

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

Here’s the latest.  And would you believe it’s still busy.  A lot of August was overloaded.

So what have I done the last week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:  Editing of course.  I have yet to get it up for pre-readers, but plan to this week.  It’s going quite well overall – but probably updates are gonna get a bit boring for awhile.
  • Way With Worlds: Keeping up on the Organization book.  Right now my guess is that one is out in October.  Again this is a side thing to the novel, but it is a good relaxer.
  • Seventh Sanctum: I’ve updated The Nexus with a change.  Instead of linking to other generators, I liked to assorted creative resources, including other generator sites.
  • Other: My car died so I had to get a new one.  Took a bit of time.

What am I going to do this week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: It’s gonna be editing and more editing.  And I’ll post chapters for pre-readers.  I also plan to use Grammarly to help me out – I hear its spectacular.
  • Way With Worlds: More writing (I’m seeing a trend here)
  • Other: I’m speaking on self-publishing this weekend – if you’re in the Bay Area let me know.  I also hope to do some Sanctum stuff.

-Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 8/12/2018

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)

How goes everyone!  Here’s my latest update!

So what have I done the last week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: Back from the editor and I’m editing,  and I’m done with chapter 1 already! However, there’s going to be a one month delay in publishing.  The editor had a lot of good feedback, some of which is leading to style changes and altering some POV elements.  This makes the story much better and presents a more intimate view of the wild setting.  But it’s going to take an extra month.
  • Way With Worlds: I’ve started on the next book on Organizations, which might just be a two part series (though I may spread it out).  This one is near and dear to might heart as Organizations are often forgotten in worldbuilding beyond tropes.
  • Other: An unexpectedly busy week as I had a doctor’s appointment, some home stuff to deal with, and a lot of work stuff.

What am I going to do this week?

  • A Bridge To The Quiet Planet: Editing.  I may delay the cover art a bit since I’ve got an extra month.
  • Way With Worlds: Writing away of course – I’m basically doing a bit each day or so, so this one won’t be done for another two months or so.
  • Other: I’ve got a lot of cons stuff coming up so I’ll be preparing for that.  Where does the time go . . .

-Steven Savage