Steve’s Update 12/13/2017

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

It’s my weekly Scrum style standup for my audience, so what’s up?  Well, OK it’s late.  Sorry – long week.

So what have I done the last week?

  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet”: I’ve edited out to chapter 6.  My goal is an intial pass this month, taking a lot of notes, and the BIG rewrite will be January-Feburary, with a tightening effort in march.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6: Editor will have it to me this weekend and the cover is done!
  • Blog: I queued up more of my personal agile methods.
  • Other Stuff: Still doing holidays and career stuff and the usual.  I also loved the Disaster Artist!  There’s various things behind the scenes too.

What am I going to do this week:

  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” I want to try to finish this up before the week of Christmas, so really hauling on it.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6: Editing!
  • Other Stuff: Not much else planned except some Christmas shopping.


  • Not sure I’ll figure my sustainable writing pace due to the holidays, due to the various events and time off, but I am working on writing reguarly.  I figure between my past measurements and this I can work out a good pace.  Right now it seems to be about 40K – I also found editing something is equal to about 4x the amount of words – editing 4000 words is roughly “equal” to writing 1000.  I’m using that to measure pace too.

– Steve

Steve’s Update 11/26/2017

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

It’s my weekly Scrum style standup for my audience, so what’s up?

So what have I done the last weeks?

  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet”: I  posted the middle chapter and pushed it to do a lot of writing.  More below!
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6: Not much, just waiting on my editor.
  • Sales: For the end of NaNoWriMo I’m putting The Power Of Creative Paths on sale!
  • Other Stuff: Well, mostly Thanksgiving and trying to relax.

What am I going to do this week:

  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” Finishing it of course!  That’ll give me four months to edit over the three I had planned.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6: I hope to get it back from the editor!
  • Other Stuff:  Some early Christmas stuff this week.  Nothing too noteable.


  • Continuing to push my ability to write.  I’ll probably hit 50K words this month despite not being in NaNo.  I’ve learned how much I can push myself, the next goal is finding what my sustainable pace is.  However that’ll probably take me past the holidays to do as those aren’t typical times.

– Steve

Steve’s Update 11/20/2017

(This column is posted at and Steve’s Tumblr)

It’s my weekly Scrum style standup for my audience, so what’s up?

So what have I done the last weeks?

  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet”: Writing like crazy with the goal of completing ahead of my plans – end of December, not end of January.  I’m also taking notes for the second edit.  I’ll have more insights to share . . . and yeah I didn’t drop the final chapter.  Sorry on that.
  • Way With Worlds Minibook #6: Is in the editor’s hands.  That’s done.
  • Giveaway: Magic, Technology, and Worldbuilding is free to celebrate NaNoWriMo
  • Speaking: I spoke at the San Jose Public Library on self-publishing!
  • Other Stuff: Mostly chores – laid up because of allergies/a cold.

What am I going to do this week:

  • “A Bridge To The Quiet Planet:” Really post the last chapter (the midpoint) and then just finish the book to edit it.
  • Thanksgiving: I have a turkey, as you may guess.
  • Other Stuff:Trying to relax, of course, and catch up on a few chores.


  • My experiment in writing more is paying off.  I’ve reached my goal (sans 330 words, but hey) yesterday.  I think this means I am getting a good idea of my writing pace.


  • Thanks to the rain, allergens are in the air, and thanks to winter, colds are going around.  Not feeling too hot righ tnow.

– Steve