Steve’s Update 8-7-2022

(This column is posted at, Steve’s Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my

“Think Agile, Write Better”: (Deep Breath) The Draft is COMPLETE!  Yes, I have the draft done – which means this week I slide into editing it heavily.  It’s shaping up to be only about 100 pages or so, which is within my limits (I wanted less than 130).  Expect it to go to beta in a month or so!

The Way With Worlds series: The new covers are not only done, but I’ve done some tests of book updates!  I got on a tear and it was kind of relaxing.  So I’ll update a few books to test in as I’m able (probably next few weeks)

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite: It will not surprise you that this keeps getting bloody interrupted as I seek that magical “block of time.”  At this rate, I think I need to take the chance of doing the launch incrementally.  I’d rather not, so I can have strong burn-in, but life seems to keep interrupting me.

Plus there are giveaways!

Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 7-24-2022

(This column is posted at, Steve’s Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my

“Think Agile, Write Better”: Is making much more progress!  I’d tag the first draft at about 75% done.  However as I write it I’m adding new content and rethinking some formatting issues.  So if you beta-read (HINT), the final result might get some notable changes.

The Way With Worlds series: The new covers are moving forward now that I’m back to doing one or more a week.  They’re pretty easy – but that lulls me into a false sense of security when a weird formatting anomaly (usually fonts) shows up.  Otherwise I’m figuring disaster response EOM September, and one more book in December – probably something not related to disasters.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite: Well this is one thing without much progress, beyond some setup option research.  Basically I need to get about 4-8 uninterrupted hours to make this launch work.  The next two weekends look promising.

Plus there are giveaways!

Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 6/26/2022

(This column is posted at, Steve’s Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my

“Think Agile, Write Better”: Writing away despite interruptions, and it’s looking really good – though I need more uninterrupted time. There’s a tone and style shift to make it “usefulness dense, language light” so it’s an informative but breezy read.

The Seventh Sanctum rewrite: Interruptions set me back a week or so, so I’m going to try to launch the July 4th weekend or the one after. I think I have a way to be able to activate the old site if it fails, so I’m pretty confident.

The Way With Worlds series: As note on hold until Q3 or so. Misinfo, Disinfo, and Propaganda is still selling great, which suggests it was timely.

The Compendium of Writing Advice: This keeps getting kicked down the list because of everything. Its still in my plans, but let me clear out Sanctum, get further on the Agile book, and deal with less problems.

Plus there are giveaways!

Steven Savage