Latest Update – Way With Worlds

So I did a huge update on Way With Worlds this weekend.  About 80+ pages edited.  I’m actually pretty pleased with it – I think I was being a bit harsh on some of the less well-written areas.  A lot of it is pretty good.

I’m going to try and get it to pre-readers next week – which gives me a two month break while my pre-readers go over it.  Mostly I want to have a review conceptual review more than anything else – the grammar and spelling will be the domain of my editor.  Grammar and spelling can be edited – its getting the actual concepts right that’s important since that’s kind of the goal.  Worldbuilding isn’t exactly a science, and I want to make sure my modest contribution to it is clear and helpful.

It’s also still huge – 462 pages at the last count and probably be about 500 pages with formatting.  This is gonna be a hefty one, but should be worth it – plus it’ll make a great gift!

  • Steve

Steve’s Update 8/30/2015

So a lot’s going on, and here’s what’s up!

First, sadly, I won’t be speaking at Kraken-Con.  They’ve got an incredible slate of people there and limited room, so there wasn’t space – I’d normally be disappointed, but this September is pretty insane.  They do it twice a year and I say go to both if you can because they’re aswesome – this September they actually landed Zach Callison.  Yes, Steven Universe. As a Steven, I recommend you go see him.

All my schedule still up to date.

Plot Twist Generator

Now let’s talk the Plot Twist Generator which is now in early Beta.  OK, I’m not entirely sure what early Alpha and early Beta are in reality since most people have broad ideas, but my take is “it’s now vaguely kind of useful”  I’ve managed to do enough research and get enough feedback that I have a lot of ideas to put in – and once I get there it’ll be close to done.  Now I have to do them.

This one is far, far harder than I expected.  Twists can be general or specific, tropes or unique, simple or complex.  I figured there’d be some archetypes and patterns to mess with, dump a bunch of data on it, and it’d work – but instead there’s a lot more complexity and potential complexity.  So, lesson learned.

I will probably need a break after the next update in a week or so.

Way With Worlds

Almost done with my latest editing sweep.  I’m doing one more in September, then it goes to my pre-readers for awhile.  I can say there’s a lot of good advice, but damn did some of it need a rewrite.  There’s also things I added or expanded on.

The format looks good, and I plan to send out  a sneak peak with my newsletter in the near future.  Don’t forget to sign up – plus beyond the free updates, you get my LinkedIn Guide.

I already have the sequels planned, as mentioned.  Let’s just say they’ll be different, they’ll be fun, and they’ll be helpful in a different way.

Sailor Moon Book

Bonnie and I have a meeting this Labor Day Weekend to deep dive into the work we have and plan the next steps.  We’ve got enough to structure the book, but need/want more interviews.  I’ll consider it officially “back on track” if it goes well.

We’re also going to add extra time to our research post-interview to just read up on the history of Sailor Moon.  There’s a lot we need/want for context and reference, so the idea is we’ll add an extra month to the project and deep dive on the research.  That means that the book is still out late summer/early fall 2016 unless our editing sessions go really well.  Then again, Bonnie is a professional in publication so she might make up for my somewhat limited editing skills.

Other Projects

There’s a new ebook in the works, but that’s staying under wraps for now.  In fact, there’s several.

My Activities For the Civic Geek over at Informotron is going well – and I’m going to release it as a free e-book once the series is done.  That’s months away, but let’s just say it’s not the only past work I’m considering bookifying for free, so stay tuned . .

I just need the time.

– Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 8/24/2015

Hope all of you are doing well!  I’ve been busy as always.

Way With Worlds

This week I finish my current editing sweep – and then the next one begins.  In that one I plan to read the sections backwards – which helps me get a fresh view on the things I was editing when I was tired of it, and catch continuity errors between sections.  We’re definitely on schedule to get it to pre-readers in October.

Sailor Moon Book

Still on track to restart the book on Labor Day.  My co-author is doing much better, so we’ll have a meeting around that time to determine our next steps.

Plot Twist Generator and Other Generators

The plot twist generator didn’t get an update this weekend, but I hope to do one soon.  I think it’s time to just sit down and do a serious push on it to take it to beta.  Fortunately everyone’s given me great feedback.

I also may need to take a small break from it after I get it to beta, and write something fun and simple.


– Steven Savage