Steve’s Update 8/16/2015

Hello gang, and here’s what’s been up!

Sailor Moon Book – We decided we’ll restart work on the book around Labor day – and most of that will be assessing how to categorize interviews so we can finish the next half of them.  We also need to return to studying up on the history of the show – there’s a lot that gets missed, enough that portraying even an essential timeline is a bit difficult.

Way With Worlds – I expect to finish up my big editing round this month.  Then one more round next month before the pre-readers.  Some of the edits are simple – but some are pretty extensive, verging on rewrites – so expect it to be different enough from the original columns and the rewrites. There’s also a sort of sequel type thing in the work, but one that will be quite different . . .

Other Books – I’ve hinted at these, but yes, there’s some other smaller books in the works.  These will come out as helpful ebooks, and I expect to have the first one out in a few months.  Right now I’m keeping them under wraps as this is more experimental.

Plot Twist Generator – The latest version is here.  I’m collecting feedback from people and reading up on plot twists, and it’s finally getting into shape.  Still a good month or so before I think it’s ready.

Other Generators – After the Plot Twist Generator I’m going to do some more fun generators, so stay tuned . . .

– Steven Savage

Steve’s Updates!

Hey gang, here’s the latest updates for you!

  • First of all, you can sign up for my free LinkedIn Guide and Newsletter! You get my new checklist for using LinkedIn and my revamped newsletter with updates, previews and more! It’s the best way to keep in touch and get various extra goodies . . .
  • Over at Seventh Sanctum there’s the Plot Twist generator in very early Alpha.  Drop by and provide feedback.  Please.
  • The Sailor Moon book is on hold through August, as noted.  My co-author is doing well, but I’m thinking she’s gonna get a new car after that accident . . .
  • Way With Worlds is churning away – I’m busy in editing.  And I got another pre-reader from my newsletter!
  • There are more books coming in the next few months, so stay tuned.




– Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 7/20/2015

Sailor Moon Book

I’m taking a break from the interviews – got people visiting and moving, so this week I’m taking off.  We plan to start organizing the book soon, and do another round/call of interviews.

Though we’re writing things up, we’re not writing chapters yet – we’ll be trying the first one in October at this rate.  If my theories are correct, it’ll go pretty smooth after that.  The first chapter will determine if our plans work . . .

The timeline is also going to be a bit of a challenge as there’s so much partial, lost, forgotten, or even misreported Sailor Moon history – like the fact the infamous “Saban Moon” dub wasn’t from Saban.  Or the outsourcing involved in the American dub.

Way With Worlds Book

The WWW Book editing continues – and I’m really busy re-editing the part on species and race (which will spawn one or two new sections), and the part on sex (which needs a little more coherence).

One thing I’m debating is splitting the book in two – there’s really two sections, the worldbuilding and the being a worldbuilder.  As for now I’m keeping it as one, but I may want some feedback – that means a poll (we haven’t had one of those in awhile).

Still projecting next spring, depending how fast my editors and pre-readers get to it.

Upcoming Projects

Got a few surprises, keeping this under wraps, but I may have a new ebook out soon . . .

– Steven Savage