New Presentation!

Hey everyone, wanted to let you know I have a NEW presentation available! It’s called LinkedIn: Beyond The Basics!  If you’ve wanted to use LinkedIn, but keep finding the same “LinkedIn 101” advice, this is for you!

There’s also more!  This presentation is customizable to different audiences as you need it!  I can zoom in on specific subjects or interests!

Drop me a line if you’re interested!

– Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 6/5/2015

Hello everyone!  Had a busy week so this is a tad late.

First of all, if you’re on my personal newsletter, you just got it.  Need to make sure those are more regular.

Way with Worlds has officially wrapped up.  I’ve started work on the Way With Worlds book, and after a review . . . man that’s a lot of material.  However, I can also see how my approach varied over time, so I want to make sure it’s consistent, expand it a bit, and so on.  Current plans are to have it out in 2016.

I need to get to the Plot Twist Generator for the Sanctum – and am still not quite sure how to start it, and probably won’t get to it until July  I think it’s going to be like the Writing Prompt Generator – I’m just gonna have to dive into research, classic plot twists, and so on and go from there.  The Writing Prompt generator was pretty educational, so I have to wonder what this’ll teach me.

Still waiting to hear back from several conventions on my potential speaking schedule – and I’m also trying to push the idea of cons running creative jams.  Imagine a room set aside for just for writing or art – maybe for the entire con?  Well I got a new thing to promote.

Now the upcoming big news – I am going to do the official announcement soon, but I and a partner are starting a book on anime fandom.  More to come, but we will need interviewees . . .


– Steven Savage

Steve’s Update 5/3/2015

Hope everyone is doing well.  Here’s my latest updates.

Over at Seventh Sanctum I’m working on a Magical Power Generator for those oft anime/video game like magical abilites that are between magic and superpowers.  It takes a few poetic tweaks to get right, but the initial data is sorted.  I’m also going to finish up Way With Worlds and then re-edit that into a book, and I’ll probably finish up/start that this summer.

Muse Hack is going to go through some changes, I’ll keep you updated.  But for now, stay tuned.  Next week I’ll start exploring some shared-universe experiences.

I’m sorting out my next book projects in May, but the first is going to be a book on Project Management.  I need to see some folks want to get involved, and then take it from there.  So the future has . . . about 3 books or so into 2016.

Needless to say, I think that’ll be enough, so I’ll be focusing on other writing as well.

How are you folks doing?


– Steven Savage